On another note: already damaged CV took direct hits from 3 4000 lb and sailed away. Have my rubber bullets infected my bomb load now also? View for yourself and please respond. I am looking for answers.
Good thing I filmed it and took my own advice and watched it again today. Although the flat top did take 4 direct hits, and was already damaged, the bombs that dropped were only 1000 lbs. This is kind of buggy to me also, in that I did not select the 1000 lb load. The problem there occurs when you switch from cockpit view to bomb sight view the ordinance selection changes automatically. Why? I can't say but viewing again, I can see clearly that I had 4000 lb bombs selected, but by the time I lined up on the CV they had automatically been changed back to the remaining 1000 lb load.

That was a good run for me too.

Well, my apologies to the staff for the misstatement there. Now, can we get the auto load change on the bug list also?