Author Topic: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply  (Read 877 times)

Offline Chilli

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Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« on: August 30, 2008, 06:00:30 AM »
FTDEEP and I watched in amazement at Port 86 controlled by Bishops was resupplied Dar and possibly strats and VH by one LVT in a matter of seconds.  Here is the film for you to verify what we had suspected.  And yes, this IS a bug and nowhere near what downtimes are set, even with resupply.  As I fly over the field you will see the Bishop LVT spawn in and out via player roster.  I recommend you speed the film up 1.7 X (times) to get the effect.  I counted only 4 resupplies (from the same driver) before a fresh Radar tower respawned in seconds.

On another note:  already damaged CV took direct hits from 3 4000 lb and sailed away.  Have my rubber bullets infected my bomb load now also?  View for yourself and please respond.  I am looking for answers.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 09:03:07 AM »
4 resupplies SHOULD fully resupply the dar.

which says each load of field supplies reduces downtime by 15 mins..

Kill the manned ack.

Offline NHawk

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 09:08:25 AM »
4 resupplies SHOULD fully resupply the dar.

which says each load of field supplies reduces downtime by 15 mins..
Except radar down time is 2 hours, so it would take 8 drops to bring it up.

Either that or something has changed.

Edit:Offline, it appears that supplies are being accepted when dropped in water near the port. I have no way of confirming this online.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 09:13:20 AM by NHawk »
Most of the people you meet in life are like slinkies. Pretty much useless, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sometimes I think I have alzheimers. But then I forget about it and it's not a problem anymore.

Offline Chilli

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2008, 12:02:06 PM »
4 resupplies SHOULD fully resupply the dar.

which says each load of field supplies reduces downtime by 15 mins..

 :furious I don't give a hoot what resupply reductions say they do.  There is no way any engineer is going to repair a destroyed radar tower IN A MATTER OF SECONDS!

EDIT ........ radar down time is 2 hours, so it would take 8 drops to bring it up.

Either that or something has changed.

Offline, it appears that supplies are being accepted when dropped in water near the port. I have no way of confirming this online.

In the film above, you should be able to see where the LVT dropped supplies.  My problem with the LVT is that I have seen this type of gamey behavior before and do not blame the perpetrator as much as the setting/ map that allows it to occur.  I actually, am thankful that this was done to give me an opportunity to film and dissect the mechanics of "Magic Port repairs".
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 12:05:47 PM by Chilli »

Offline NHawk

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2008, 01:15:46 PM »
:furious I don't give a hoot what resupply reductions say they do.  There is no way any engineer is going to repair a destroyed radar tower IN A MATTER OF SECONDS!

In the film above, you should be able to see where the LVT dropped supplies.  My problem with the LVT is that I have seen this type of gamey behavior before and do not blame the perpetrator as much as the setting/ map that allows it to occur.  I actually, am thankful that this was done to give me an opportunity to film and dissect the mechanics of "Magic Port repairs".
The point wasn't to say it could be done. I was correcting the information from kvuo.

I've been able to duplicate this offline and I've sent mail to Skuzzy describing how it's done, with a screenshot and a possible way to fix the problem.
Most of the people you meet in life are like slinkies. Pretty much useless, but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Sometimes I think I have alzheimers. But then I forget about it and it's not a problem anymore.

Offline FTDEEP

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2008, 04:25:52 PM »
yes i was there. on 2-3 seperate drops where i took out the radar..i dove, dropped eggs, hit and took out dar..<saw the 'dar killed sign>climbed and looked back and  the tower was fact every time i killed it i'd look back and it was up. not sure about down times. i just never saw this before.

Offline Chilli

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 01:56:45 PM »
Thanks Nhawk, :salute

I get carried away with the emoticons.  :uhoh  I appreciated your input, and took it the way you intended.  Sorry, if I am preaching to the choir.  I just don't want this to go down as if it were not a bug/glitch/exploit that needed any attention.  I am sure Skuzzy has loads to do, and the Terrain team is awesome, so I will leave it there.

On another note:  I hope everyone has a good Labor Day holiday (and to those outside the states - a good weekend).  :aok

Offline sethipus

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2008, 05:22:05 PM »
I was part of a Knight crew trying to take a port last night, where some a-hole Bish were doing the exact same thing.  We'd get the base de-acked and the dar down, and they'd just insta-fix everything with constant supply LVT spawns.  This has really got to stop, as it's absurdly gamey and in reality it's an exploit.

Offline BMathis

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2008, 10:55:50 PM »

On another note:  already damaged CV took direct hits from 3 4000 lb and sailed away.  Have my rubber bullets infected my bomb load now also?  View for yourself and please respond.  I am looking for answers.

I've had same issues with Cv's not going down with the 8000lbs that should drop 'em... A knit Cv took an onslught from our squad and never went down. We hit it with more than 15, 000 lbs  :(
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Offline Chilli

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2008, 01:52:38 PM »
On another note:  already damaged CV took direct hits from 3 4000 lb and sailed away.  Have my rubber bullets infected my bomb load now also?  View for yourself and please respond.  I am looking for answers.

Good thing I filmed it and took my own advice and watched it again today.  Although the flat top did take 4 direct hits, and was already damaged, the bombs that dropped were only 1000 lbs.  This is kind of buggy to me also, in that I did not select the 1000 lb load.  The problem there occurs when you switch from cockpit view to bomb sight view the ordinance selection changes automatically.  Why?   I can't say but viewing again, I can see clearly that I had 4000 lb bombs selected, but by the time I lined up on the CV they had automatically been changed back to the remaining 1000 lb load.  :mad:

That was a good run for me too. :furious  Well, my apologies to the staff for the misstatement there.  Now, can we get the auto load change on the bug list also?  :D

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Re: Filmed -- Port 86 Main Arena Downtime Resupply
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2008, 10:59:52 PM »
the file has been deleted so i cannot watch it.
The 18th FG Killer Chihuahuas.since tour 97.        CO: KCTHUNDR(me)
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