ink please answer this, do you have any concept of the infrastructure costs and maintainence required, or do you believe things just tick along merrily by themselves?
it does not matter
you can not tell me they are not making huge profits,not just the cable companies, im talking about all major corporations,(and many smaller ones) they are making major profits off of our blood and most people are okay with this or they are just to blind or unwilling to see the truth,
how about a senator, or congressman, they make over 150 k a year, but yet only work around 90 days of that year, the entire system, is screwed not just America but the whole world.
it is only a short time away from them putting chips in every ones body, but they are going to make it seem like its for "your own good", after a few years they will force it upon you,and your children and label you a negligent parent if you don't follow along.
they distort and twist the truth, giving us little tiny bits of it, and then filling it over with lies.
we have entered the end of days look around you, open your eyes, those spiritual eyes in your heart.
see the world for what it is...a place that loves evil we(humans) have turned away from our creator, and are turning to satan as god, i do not include myself in that "we" because i know who my father is he is Yahaveh.
he is going to let us destroy what he has given us, freely we will destroy it. and than he will change it, restore it and those that followed satan will be gone, our souls cannot die they will live forever, ether in peace or torment, forever...