I would be a much happier man if I didn't have to worry about something like that.. or the other... happening to anybody. Common sense, as always; is impossible to legislate.
The sickness that infests this society.. the Oprah-esque insistence of imperfect people sticking their meddling noses into the private concerns of private citizens has to be curbed. There are issues that are life and death to this nation that should be in the public domain for discussion.. energy policy, foreign policy, trade policy, immigration policy.. on these things the immediate future of our nation rests.
Not on this. I'm a constitutionalist.. and as such; the issue begins and ends right there. There is no right granted to government regarding possession of my corporate self. My body is mine. Whats in it is mine. And I'll not surrender it willingly, nor would I deign to presume upon any other persons identical right.
This is not a national security issue. It's not government business. It's private.
Sorry Dred.. rant over. <S!>