I could also give the X52 to my son Thomas and hopefully get him flying with us. So I'd like to get the stick problem resolved if at all possible.
Heeh, sounds like Thomas might be a better "stick" than you
Before doing anything below, try this in order to see if you see any difference in between:
Try the stick on another system if available preferably one that the other stick had not been installed, but in any case worth a try to see if there might be a conflict on your system with another USB device.
In the Advanced Controller Mapping screen, look at the top and see of the slider screen and see if it says "........ Mode 1". Move the rudder and see if it is full on and full off by watching the meter or numeric value on the right. If they are full on and full off then try to
calibrate the stick (yes, once again) this time take time to move the
stick in circles (x,y),
twisting back and forth (z rotation),
throttle (up and down),
and every other slider and dial (including those on the throttle,
returning them to center when done)
on the entire stick before clicking okay. Now, check the Mapping screen again and see if it shows properly.
Plan B:
Okay, this is all I've got. Are there remnants in Vista from your old X52 installation? Did you do and uninstall from X52 installation before installing the X52 Pro? Check to see if Vista or Siatek customer service have recommendations on uninstalling old programs. Then if you are pretty sure that the old drivers have been uninstalled, do a fresh install of the Pro. Note* your machine may still recognize the Pro as the old model (my guess) Read the Readme or installation guide to see when the stick should be plugged in: prior to driver installation or after / this may be an important step.