Author Topic: Some suggestions.  (Read 127 times)

Offline Downtown

  • Zinc Member
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Some suggestions.
« on: January 11, 2000, 11:08:00 AM »
1. You have Blackouts and Redouts. Please add Ground Rush.

Anyone who has ever parchuted and opened a chute below 3500 Ft has seen it.

As you fall all the items on the ground look tight and neat, as you get closer, at about 3500 Ft they begin to move outward at great speed.

I suggest that you take the blackout model, and reverse it, and instead of black just make a distortion effect (unfocus the ground, or a heat wave type effect?)  THis should begin at about 3500 ft and wander outward as you free fall.  of couse the effect will completely diminish just before you make an impression on the ground.

Numerous times I have had difficutly telling when to open my chute, and make an impact.  I look at the ground clutter, but it is difficult to tell the sheep from the rocks.  Please add another visual cue (Ground Rush) to help me know when its too late to pull the ripcord.

Autotrim Speed/Orbit.

I like the nice auto trim climb that allows me to go up a nice straight line.  Would it be also possible to add an autotrim that allows me to climb in a circular fashion?  Like going up a spiral staircase?

Autotrim Level/Orbit.

Well, lets just say I flew over to bomb the Bishop HQ/Dar, which Requires 10,000 Lbs of Bombs, and I only have 6,000 Lbs of bombs.  I talk another bomber into bombing the HQ with me but he is 5 minutes behind me.  Well I don't want to bomb the HQ until he gets there so I have to orbit the HQ until he arrives.  Would be nice to be able to put my B-17 into a Orbit Pattern that is level.  Basically fly a circle over my target awaiting the arrival of the other buff.

.form on XXXXX.

This would enable bombers to fly in formation. One ship would be the lead, and others could form on that ship.  The lead would be responsible for course corrections Etc.  THis command would only work for Single Occupant Bombers, so that the Pilot could man his guns and not have to follow the lead ship.  If a gunner joined in flight the pilot is responsible to fly his own aircraft.  Also a .unform XXXXXXXX command is necessary.  Also going to Bombsight will act as unform.

Violent manuvers by the lead ship will also end the .form command. so we don't both crash if he gets shot down.

Each bomber should be able to accept two .form request from other ships, and then any other bombers that join and .form on the previous element.

Disable Enemy Icons.

You have the toggle to disable all icons, show freindly Nick/Handle, and show friendly Plane Type, how about Disable Enemy Icons option?

Well that is enough for now.

Lincoln "Downtown" Brown.
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Hals und beinbruch!

Offline Downtown

  • Zinc Member
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Some suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2000, 11:16:00 AM »
.shift #### rounds to postion #

Enable me to shift rounds from bombers waste guns to the Tail, Top or Ball turrets.  Seeing as most attacks come to those three guns.  I got attacked by four planes the other night, I got three, but my tail was out of ammo and the fourth got me.  WOuld it be possible to give me the ability to move some ammo from a gun that hasn't faced much agression to those that have.  I am not saying that I want you to change the possible load out to greater than what it actually was, but if my waist gunners are seeing much action, I would like to shift some ammo where it is needed.  Actually the ability to distribute remaining ammo after an attack or two would be really useful.

the .shift (number of rounds upto 500) to postion (2, ball) (3 top) (4 tail) (5 nose) (6 right waist) (7 left waist)

I would do this from the position I was in.  If I wanted to shift 500 rnds from the right waist to the tail I would have to go to the right waist and type the .shift ### to postion # from that positon.

Lincoln "Downtown" Brown.
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Hals und beinbruch!

Offline juzz

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Some suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2000, 04:17:00 PM »
I like that one, Downtown!  

After a few attacks the rear turret is usually out of ammo, while the front chin and cheek combo still has over 1000 rounds going to waste.

Offline Downtown

  • Zinc Member
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Some suggestions.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2000, 08:39:00 PM »
I would also like to be able to have more than one gunner.  Everyone is catching on, and I received several coordinated attacks from different directions.  YOu can only fight one at a time as it is.  I think we should be able to accept up to 3 gunners, and a bomber/navigator/co-pilot.

Pilot would.

Fly, All Guns No other crew members, Nose gun if there is gunner.

Navigator/Bombadier/Co-Pilot would.

Fly if Pilot Killed, but plane still flyable, and Co-Pilot no killed. Bomb. Top Turret.

The Three gunners would be able to man the other guns.

If your not trying to Evade and not trying to bomb your target, you could have up to five gunners.

Lincoln "Downtown" Brown.
Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Hals und beinbruch!


  • Guest
Some suggestions.
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2000, 09:16:00 AM »
Autotrim climbing/orbit- set your .speed (or use default, engage alt+x, jump to a gun and kick your rudder a little.  Dinnae take much pressure to hold your rudder steady and hold a steady turn.  I do this all the time launching out of 21 to go south in me 17.  For the level orbit engage autolevel (x), jump to a gun position (ball-external is me favorite) and kick the rudder a little.  Again, it'll hold whatever angle you push the pedals to.

the .form command sounds nice, but flying from the gunner's positions make this just about unnecessary.  Before takeoff all pilots set the same .speed, then try to get alt+x engaged as close to the same time as possible.  Then to the guns and make your turns with rudders.  I've noticed though, that sometimes another bird will be faster than you, or you'll be faster than someone else in your formation.  Even though you both just took off w/ the same bomb load.  The flight lead should throttle back a little giving the rest of the formation to ability to speed up/slow down to hold position.  The real trick is keeping the formation together for the takeoff run and begining of the climb.  This is where using shift+x for the takeoff roll, the changing to alt+x as soon as the gear comes up works nicely (if everyone does it).  But I do like the idea of the .form command

LOVE the .shift idea.  Been many a time I've had a nice string of kills going only to run out of ammo as a bandit comes in.  He realizes he's still alive after his first pass and that I'm out of ammo, so I'm toast.  Once the ball/tail are out, you'll see me turning alot more when fighters attack.  This lets use the upper turret and waist guns, though it does increase deflection angles.  Gotten several kills like this also =)

For more than one gunner, I've been posting on the other thread about that, but I would like 2 people to be able to man the guns (pilot/gunner-gunner or pilot-gunner-gunner(pilot just flies/bombs))

Air power is a thunderbolt launched from an egg shell invisibly tethered to a base.         -  Hoffman Nickerson