I enjoy midwar more then any other arena. I think the reasoning behind it is that I've flown with just about everyone there at one time or another, or been killed or killed any of those that I haven't flown with. I even have fun on 200 talking to the enemy, especially Illigaf
, who has yet to drop me cheese rather then high explosive to my GV. Yes there are some personalities on there that aren't the best or bend the rules to pad their scores but, I'm not going to let it ruin my fun. Albeit there seems to be an excessive amount of good p-38 sticks in there given the number of players
, Well I'll just stick to my lowly F4u-1 till someone teaches me how to fly a 38 properly. I'm happy with midwar the way it is and hopefully it stays a freindly environment for the most part.
to all the midwar players