Well, crockett, when democrat law makers continue to suggest that American Companies pay more and more taxes, sane CEO's realize that they can not continue to be cash cows for a Congress that has lost it's mind. But hey, you already knew that...
Yeah, especially when it might cut into their millions in salary and bonuses. Halliburton had already begun planning to bail before 2006 under a REPUBLICAN controlled congress and presidency. Read it:
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/12/business/12haliburton.html?ex=1331438400&en=4f12642ec49b486a&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalinkThe Dubai announcement, which Halliburton made at a regional energy conference in Bahrain, comes at a time when the company is being investigated by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission over allegations of improper dealings in Iraq, Kuwait and Nigeria. Halliburton has also agreed to pay billions of dollars in settlements in asbestos litigation.
The asbestos thing is because they bought a company that was in litigation and isn't really relevent.
Anyways, those no-bid contracts to KBR, a company owned by Halliburton, which Mr. Cheney was running until becoming VP, have always been high on my list of deplorable actions our government has ever engaged in. No-bid contracts for 30+ billion dollars?!?!?!?! That's lunacy!
But honestly we don't have just one party or another to thank for all this. I think we have both parties to blame. They all gave into the millionaire lobbyist's that pushed and pushed for deregulations. The neutering of the SEC.
This all went down years ago. But look where we are now, the overvalued housing market popped. Banks that were making mad cash on giving loans with low beginning rates but lots of nasty fine print to people they were happy to foreclose on suddenly are stuck with thousands and thousands of homes that aren't worth what they were valued at 5 years ago.
They have nowhere near the real capital they thought they had last year. Their stocks nosedive. Now everyone's investments are tanking. On and on the effects trickle through our system.
I've rambled too much and been interupted a couple times writing this, sorry if it's disjointed.
Giving an unelected official a blank check with no oversight and such broad power will only lead to further abuse and ruin. Disgusting.