Author Topic: FSO: Tunisia - Frame 1 Objectives  (Read 328 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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FSO: Tunisia - Frame 1 Objectives
« on: September 28, 2008, 12:08:55 PM »

Here are the frame 1 objectives for the Allied and Axis. There is nothing secret in these objectives and both sides have the right to this knowledge. In previous FSOs I usually incorporated the information on your opponent in your own objectives. This sort of cluttered things up and got messy. So instead I have decided to simply things by just supplying both sides with each objectives and tactical information.

It is up to the 412th to create an Allied battle plan and task squads with objectives.

It is up to the Unforgiven to create an Axis battle plan and task axis squads with objectives.

I have also tweaked my format a bit to hopefully make things easier to digest.



Finally remember to read the SPECIAL RULES. These are first in precedence when it comes to the rule for this frame. If you have any rules questions please contact me.

I am still having some issues with the side assignments over on the site. I hope to have these cleared up soon. The side assignments I posted in the AH forums and listed in the objectives are the correct side assignments. Also in the objectives I listed each squads’s average turn out from the last FSO so that CiC’s have a better idea of how many pilots each squad will field. Lastly, in the special rules I more narrowly defined what I consider a credible attack and defense force.

Each target must be attacked and defended by a force no smaller than 2x4-6 squads or 1x7-10 squad. Obviously you can attack and defend targets with larger forces. Each side has 5 attack objectives and 5 defense objectives so 10 total and with say a turnout of 250 pilots can dedicate 25 pilots per objective if you split your forces equally by 10. So I don’t think my definition of a credible force is to onerous or restrictive on the CiCs since they have roughly 60% of their forces that they can decide where to deploy still. Plus, I am just defining a credible force in attempt to make sure people have some opposition and combat (hence the fun of combat).

Enough said, any questions contact me.

Ghost Dancer
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team