That the cores WERE NOT BAD. Disabled for performance issues. Terminolgy and interpretation. Some dissed Intel many years ago for basically the same deal. AMD is trying and the new quads will be out soon. Hopefully they will catch up. I wish they would because AMD always seemed to put out a product that wa more affordable. Again the current quad cores got a decent review.
By the way,check your video card. I returned mine. Both gpus were not working(only 1 was working) on the 4870 x 2. I benchmarked higher with 2 (512) 3870's crossfired(15500 compared to 14700 with 3dmark06) I should have benchmarked 17000 - 18000 so I called Diamond. The tech acknowledged only 1 gpu was semed to work and we could not figure it out why(pc wizard and 3dmark showed both working).The benches were too low for a 2g card. The entire 3800 and 4800 series seems to have heat, bios, driver and gpu issues. Check amd forums and you will see a lot of problems. Remember, those posts only go back only so far. 1-3 months ago, there was litterally 5-10 posts a day on various issues. The card did out perform anything on the market but..... The Nvidea gtx280 seems to have absolutely no problems so I eexc'd the 4870 for the nvidea. Same deal for ATI, they always put a more affordable product than Nvidea.