Author Topic: Just wrote my Representative  (Read 595 times)

Offline Hangtime

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2008, 10:32:14 PM »
Hang....of course it's working.  The stock market lost only 157 pts. after the bill passed the House.

Where is your FAITH man?

I believe!


i believe, brother shuckins; we've been screwed.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Shuckins

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2008, 10:34:46 PM »
Yep, by our loving representatives.  And we didn't even enjoy it.

Offline Hangtime

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2008, 10:37:34 PM »
i normally like to be kissed while i'm being screwed.

this time, i decided to forgo the pleasantries and just get it over with.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Shuckins

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2008, 10:43:18 PM »
Speaking of kissing, they're all going to be doing a lot of that in the next four weeks.  Kissing up to the angry voters that is.  As in "Let's kiss and make up.  I only have your best interests at heart."

Offline Hangtime

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2008, 11:03:47 PM »

i'm not some cheap hussy.

they're gonna have to come across with another box of chocolates.

an, didja hear?  palin called obama a terrorist sympathizer today.

all's i gots ta say ta her is 'girl, they gonna git you!'

an then; you watch! none of us will get chocolates.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline trax1

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2008, 11:58:58 PM »
I wonder if any political officals actually even read letters sent to them by voters.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline Getback

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2008, 08:01:40 AM »
what are the rules for independent presidential candidates in US elections? Any chance to see Ron Paul in last minutes? watching the bailout debate and the position of both candidates, looks like you got 2 poor choices.

You're close Ghi, we have 1 bad and 1 very bad. Most voting for McCain are really voting for Palin.

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Offline Nwbie

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2008, 11:13:23 AM »

This is a copy of an email sent to a constituents rep in Congress
Please copy and add to the top:

This is a copy of a letter that I need to send to you, _____________________ the author has fairly covered many of the same feelings and beliefs I have, amazingly it covers how most people feel about their reps, please note, you can insert your name and party affiliation anywhere in this letter and it portrays your record. How will you change this? You do realize people are counting on you to make a difference? And of course you do realize everyone is watching now, don't you?

Mr Holt,
Over the last 10 years or so I've been following the goings on in Washington pretty closely.

And this latest debacle even closer.
In your news letter you stated.

"The government did so much wrong, and while Democrats in Congress tried to set them straight many times, we obviously did not do so strongly enough."

This sir. Is an outright lie.
There were opportunities to do something.
in 2003 a bill was proposed to do something about Fannie May/Freddie Mac.
the Democrats claimed they were and I quote. "working as intended". There seemed to be at the time plenty of opposition from the Democrats to oppose oversight.
And Gee I wonder why?
Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

Name Office Party/State Total
1. Dodd, Christopher J S D-CT $133,900
2. Kerry, John S D-MA $111,000
3. Obama, Barack S D-IL $105,849
4. Clinton, Hillary S D-NY $75,550

I could go on but,
I find #'s 2,3,and 4 to be pretty darn interesting. Don't you?
Its not a very great leap to understand why some folks might be hesitant to as you put it not act "strongly enough".

The fact of the matter is.
Democrats were only willing to do something when it was politically advantageous to them.
Not that the republicans have been any better.
But this is about your claim that Democrats tried to do something.

Fact of the matter is they (both parties)had chances to do something. But didn't because it might give the other side a political victory.
I can sum up the problem with a quote I heard Hillary Clinton say with my own ears.
I couldn't believe I heard it at first so I waited for the rerun on CNN just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.
She said and I quote exactly.
"I have always considered myself a Democrat first. and an American second."

That about sums up the problem with both parties.
You all don't care about the United States.
Not in any meaningful way.
the only thing any of you really care about is getting your party,your little team, Your little social clubs. Into power.
And it is my observation that the respective parties will do anything. And I mean ANYTHING. Including undermining administrations and the welfare of the country as a whole to accomplish that.
An activity that as far as I am concerned. boarders on teason.
You yourself are guilty of this.
How else would you explain your voting record in the current congress.
how else do you explain voting 97.2% of the time with your party?
And you only missed 28 votes (1.5%) during the current Congress!

Now while the Republicans sure as hell haven't been right 97.2% of the time. they sure as hell haven't been wrong 97.2% of the time either.
so don't ever lay claims of "working across party lines.'
working across party lines runs in both directions. 97.% of the time is NOT working across party lines
your voting record is actually worse then Obamas when it comes to "reaching across the isle." Obama voted along party lines 96.0%.
Sorry, the numbers don't lie and wont change no matter what distortions he puts forward.
Call it what you want. But the one thing it isn't. is "reaching across party lines." or "working in a bi partisan manner"

The rather obvious fact of the matter is.
You all don't disagree with a bill because its a bad bill. You all will disagree with a  bill simply because the other side presented it.

You all don't care about America. Not in any meaningful way. Only about getting your party into power.

I will tel you one thing that is bi partisan.
And that is the mess you all have allowed and contributed in both action and inaction in getting us into.

In that you all have performed superbly.
with allies like you two parties. Who needs
Al-Qaeda? You all are damned near as dangerous.

Both sides together got us into this mess.
In any other area in the private sector you all would be fired or jailed.
In some other countries you would be taken out and shot.
Just be thankful this isn't one of those countries.

Instead what we have now are two representatives from the very two parties that are responsible for where we are today standing before us and looking for  promotion.

This is the moral equivalent of a gang rape victim... Actually thanking the rapists!

what you all need to start realizing is some of us out here have more then one or two brain cells and know enough to no longer take you all at your word.
Or mainstream media at its twisted and distorted word.
Some of us actually look things up.
Some of us have memory spans that last longer then the last cutsie sound bite.
Some of us see that its isn't the blame of only the Republicans or Democrats.
But the partisan efforts and undermining of both parties that has lead us to where we are.
And as I walk around talking to people from all walks of life. I cant help but notice that number has grown considerably as of late.
On behalf of them and others like them I would like to in closing say that we hope you are proud of yourselves.
We hope that you are proud that both parties are so determined to gain control. That you are willing to destroy the very country that you are trying to get control of.
We hope you are at least proud of yourselves.

Because "We The People" are certainly not proud of you.
Any of you.

Make no mistake. You did this all together. Both parties.
To claim otherwise would make you a liar. because the facts tell a very different story then "because of Bush's policies."
the least you can all do is fess up to it.
We can at least respect that. Even if we dint like it.
We cant respect liars,speakers of half truth's, and finger pointing.

Needless to say. Neither you. Nor your respective puppets will be receiving my vote in your respective elections.

And all you need do is look yourselves in the mirror for the reasons why.
         Thomas Mendez Sr.

Feel free to pass this around to all your cohorts of both parties.
Its intended as much for them as it is for you

Copied -added at the top and sent to my rep, also I put in an email and asked people to copy and send out to their email addy book.
This is the kind of chain mail that I have no problem with.
Very well thought out letter dred.
Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline lazs2

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2008, 12:05:31 PM »
Dred.. well thought out and written letter.   It is my utmost hope that it will be read and that the person who reads it before throwing it away and sending out the form letter to you saying "thank you for your support in this serious matter" will get something from reading it.

I am pretty much an optimist in almost all things but in this..   no one will read it..  it will be tallied and thrown away and a form letter sent.   All the representitives who were going to get re-elected before the bailout will be re-elected now no matter what they voted... no representitive who was going to lose will now win based on a no vote.

We are pretty much screwed.. government is bigger than the people and has contempt for us.


Offline Toad

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2008, 12:07:25 PM »
There's one way and only one way to make the 'get it' loud and clear... vote them out ASAP.

That's the only message they understand.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline SaburoS

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2008, 01:29:22 AM »
Nice post Dred!
Interesting that Republicans were not in your list, though.
I took the first hit in my Google search.
Unfortunately this is the MO of our politicians, Democrat, Republican, whatever, to prostitute their ideals to the highest bidder. It's been that way since the beginning and unfortunately will probably be that way in the end.

All Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008
Name    Office    State    Party    Grand Total    Total from
PACs    Total from
Dodd, Christopher J    S    CT    D    $165,400    $48,500    $116,900
Obama, Barack    S    IL    D    $126,349    $6,000    $120,349***************
Kerry, John    S    MA    D    $111,000    $2,000    $109,000
Bennett, Robert F    S    UT    R    $107,999    $71,499    $36,500
Bachus, Spencer    H    AL    R    $103,300    $70,500    $32,800
Blunt, Roy    H    MO    R    $96,950    $78,500    $18,450
Kanjorski, Paul E    H    PA    D    $96,000    $57,500    $38,500
Bond, Christopher S 'Kit'    S    MO    R    $95,400    $64,000    $31,400
Shelby, Richard C    S    AL    R    $80,000    $23,000    $57,000
Reed, Jack    S    RI    D    $78,250    $43,500    $34,750
Reid, Harry    S    NV    D    $77,000    $60,500    $16,500
Clinton, Hillary    S    NY    D    $76,050    $8,000    $68,050
Davis, Tom    H    VA    R    $75,499    $13,999    $61,500
Boehner, John    H    OH    R    $67,750    $60,500    $7,250
Conrad, Kent    S    ND    D    $64,491    $22,000    $42,491
Reynolds, Tom    H    NY    R    $62,200    $53,000    $9,200
Johnson, Tim    S    SD    D    $61,000    $20,000    $41,000
Pelosi, Nancy    H    CA    D    $56,250    $47,000    $9,250
Carper, Tom    S    DE    D    $55,889    $31,350    $24,539
Hoyer, Steny H    H    MD    D    $55,500    $51,500    $4,000
Pryce, Deborah    H    OH    R    $55,500    $45,000    $10,500
Emanuel, Rahm    H    IL    D    $51,750    $16,000    $35,750
Isakson, Johnny    S    GA    R    $49,200    $35,500    $13,700
Cantor, Eric    H    VA    R    $48,500    $46,500    $2,000
Crapo, Mike    S    ID    R    $47,250    $40,500    $6,750
Frank, Barney    H    MA    D    $42,350    $30,500    $11,850
Bean, Melissa    H    IL    D    $41,249    $34,999    $6,250
Bayh, Evan    S    IN    D    $41,100    $16,500    $24,600
McConnell, Mitch    S    KY    R    $41,000    $40,000    $1,000
Maloney, Carolyn B    H    NY    D    $39,750    $16,500    $23,250
Dorgan, Byron L    S    ND    D    $38,750    $30,500    $8,250
Miller, Gary    H    CA    R    $38,000    $31,500    $6,500
Rangel, Charles B    H    NY    D    $38,000    $14,750    $23,250
Tiberi, Patrick J    H    OH    R    $35,700    $32,600    $3,100
Bunning, Jim    S    KY    R    $33,802    $29,650    $4,152
Stabenow, Debbie    S    MI    D    $33,450    $32,000    $1,450
Chambliss, Saxby    S    GA    R    $33,250    $22,500    $10,750
Menendez, Robert    S    NJ    D    $31,250    $30,500    $750
Enzi, Mike    S    WY    R    $31,000    $27,500    $3,500
Van Hollen, Chris    H    MD    D    $30,700    $11,000    $19,700
Landrieu, Mary L    S    LA    D    $30,600    $20,000    $10,600
Murray, Patty    S    WA    D    $30,000    $23,000    $7,000
Clyburn, James E    H    SC    D    $29,750    $26,000    $3,750
Crowley, Joseph    H    NY    D    $29,700    $25,500    $4,200
Sessions, Pete    H    TX    R    $29,472    $24,000    $5,472
McCrery, Jim    H    LA    R    $29,000    $26,000    $3,000
Hooley, Darlene    H    OR    D    $28,750    $19,500    $9,250
Royce, Ed    H    CA    R    $28,600    $4,000    $24,600
Renzi, Rick    H    AZ    R    $28,250    $28,000    $250
Lieberman, Joe    S    CT    I    $28,250    $11,500    $16,750
Baucus, Max    S    MT    D    $27,500    $21,000    $6,500
Moore, Dennis    H    KS    D    $26,550    $25,500    $1,050
Coleman, Norm    S    MN    R    $24,690    $12,000    $12,690
Matheson, Jim    H    UT    D    $24,500    $24,000    $500
Schumer, Charles E    S    NY    D    $24,250    $1,500    $22,750
Durbin, Dick    S    IL    D    $23,750    $14,000    $9,750
Rogers, Mike    H    MI    R    $22,750    $21,000    $1,750
Lynch, Stephen F    H    MA    D    $22,500    $13,500    $9,000
Rockefeller, Jay    S    WV    D    $22,250    $5,000    $17,250
Smith, Gordon H    S    OR    R    $22,000    $20,000    $2,000
Mikulski, Barbara A    S    MD    D    $21,750    $16,500    $5,250
McCain, John    S    AZ    R    $21,550    $0    $21,550*********************
To be continued...
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline SaburoS

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2008, 01:30:19 AM »
Spratt, John M Jr    H    SC    D    $21,500    $17,000    $4,500
Brown-Waite, Ginny    H    FL    R    $21,000    $21,000    $0
Davis, Geoff    H    KY    R    $21,000    $19,500    $1,500
Velazquez, Nydia M    H    NY    D    $20,750    $16,750    $4,000
Baca, Joe    H    CA    D    $20,500    $20,200    $300
Alexander, Lamar    S    TN    R    $20,500    $20,000    $500
Allard, Wayne    S    CO    R    $20,250    $0    $20,250
Neugebauer, Randy    H    TX    R    $20,000    $20,000    $0
Nelson, Ben    S    NE    D    $20,000    $19,000    $1,000
Salazar, Ken    S    CO    D    $19,900    $17,000    $2,900
Jefferson, William J    H    LA    D    $19,250    $8,500    $10,750
Byrd, Robert C    S    WV    D    $18,500    $8,000    $10,500
Hatch, Orrin G    S    UT    R    $18,250    $12,500    $5,750
Miller, Brad    H    NC    D    $18,000    $16,500    $1,500
Sherman, Brad    H    CA    D    $18,000    $12,500    $5,500
Craig, Larry    S    ID    R    $18,000    $15,000    $3,000
Roberts, Pat    S    KS    R    $18,000    $18,000    $0
Waters, Maxine    H    CA    D    $17,800    $15,000    $2,800
Biggert, Judy    H    IL    R    $17,750    $15,500    $2,250
Gerlach, Jim    H    PA    R    $17,750    $16,500    $1,250
Reyes, Silvestre    H    TX    D    $17,550    $2,000    $15,550
LaTourette, Steven C    H    OH    R    $17,500    $17,500    $0
Brownback, Sam    S    KS    R    $17,300    $14,250    $3,050
Barrett, Gresham    H    SC    R    $17,250    $13,000    $4,250
Watt, Melvin L    H    NC    D    $17,250    $13,000    $4,250
Scott, David    H    GA    D    $17,000    $13,500    $3,500
King, Pete    H    NY    R    $16,750    $1,000    $15,750
Cummings, Elijah E    H    MD    D    $16,700    $10,000    $6,700
Grassley, Chuck    S    IA    R    $16,500    $14,500    $2,000
Cantwell, Maria    S    WA    D    $16,250    $0    $16,250
Domenici, Pete V    S    NM    R    $16,226    $7,000    $9,226
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie    H    SD    D    $16,200    $4,500    $11,700
Putnam, Adam H    H    FL    R    $15,500    $15,500    $0
Feinstein, Dianne    S    CA    D    $15,250    $2,000    $13,250
Brown, Sherrod    S    OH    D    $15,000    $15,000    $0
Feeney, Tom    H    FL    R    $14,750    $13,500    $1,250
Sununu, John E    S    NH    R    $14,750    $0    $14,750
Hinojosa, Ruben    H    TX    D    $14,500    $13,000    $1,500
Capito, Shelley Moore    H    WV    R    $14,250    $8,000    $6,250
Burr, Richard    S    NC    R    $14,250    $13,500    $750
Jackson, Jesse Jr    H    IL    D    $14,000    $8,000    $6,000
Meeks, Gregory W    H    NY    D    $14,000    $13,500    $500
Cornyn, John    S    TX    R    $14,000    $12,000    $2,000
Collins, Susan M    S    ME    R    $13,000    $12,000    $1,000
Boxer, Barbara    S    CA    D    $12,750    $5,000    $7,750
McHenry, Patrick    H    NC    R    $12,500    $12,500    $0
Israel, Steve    H    NY    D    $12,050    $10,000    $2,050
Nunes, Devin Gerald    H    CA    R    $12,000    $12,000    $0
Davis, Artur    H    AL    D    $11,750    $11,500    $250
Martinez, Mel    S    FL    R    $11,750    $8,500    $3,250
Roskam, Peter    H    IL    R    $11,650    $8,500    $3,150
Pryor, Mark    S    AR    D    $11,650    $9,500    $2,150
Webb, James    S    VA    D    $11,550    $1,000    $10,550
Doolittle, John T    H    CA    R    $11,500    $11,500    $0
Harkin, Tom    S    IA    D    $11,450    $6,900    $4,550
Lee, Barbara    H    CA    D    $11,250    $11,000    $250
Thune, John    S    SD    R    $11,057    $1,000    $10,057
Klein, Ron    H    FL    D    $11,000    $11,000    $0
Mahoney, Tim    H    FL    D    $11,000    $11,000    $0
Fossella, Vito    H    NY    R    $10,750    $7,500    $3,250
Schultz, Debbie Wasserman    H    FL    D    $10,750    $9,750    $1,000
Thompson, Mike    H    CA    D    $10,600    $1,000    $9,600
Moran, Jim    H    VA    D    $10,500    $1,250    $9,250
Kennedy, Edward M    S    MA    D    $10,500    $3,000    $7,500
Clay, William L Jr    H    MO    D    $10,250    $8,500    $1,750
Payne, Donald M    H    NJ    D    $10,100    $5,500    $4,600
Dingell, John D    H    MI    D    $10,000    $7,000    $3,000
Lincoln, Blanche    S    AR    D    $10,000    $5,500    $4,500
Levin, Sander    H    MI    D    $9,800    $0    $9,800
Roybal-Allard, Lucille    H    CA    D    $9,800    $5,000    $4,800
Barrasso, John A    S    WY    R    $9,500    $9,500    $0
Nelson, Bill    S    FL    D    $9,500    $9,000    $500
Napolitano, Grace    H    CA    D    $9,300    $8,500    $800
Castle, Michael N    H    DE    R    $9,200    $7,000    $2,200
Drake, Thelma    H    VA    R    $9,000    $9,000    $0
Dreier, David    H    CA    R    $9,000    $7,000    $2,000
Bachmann, Michele Marie    H    MN    R    $8,850    $6,500    $2,350
Gonzalez, Charlie A    H    TX    D    $8,500    $5,000    $3,500
Lewis, John    H    GA    D    $8,500    $4,000    $4,500
Knollenberg, Joe    H    MI    R    $8,250    $5,000    $3,250
Moore, Gwen    H    WI    D    $8,250    $8,000    $250
Pastor, Ed    H    AZ    D    $8,100    $4,500    $3,600
Norton, Eleanor Holmes    D    DC    D    $8,000    $3,000    $5,000
Becerra, Xavier    H    CA    D    $8,000    $7,000    $1,000
Jackson Lee, Sheila    H    TX    D    $8,000    $0    $8,000
Larson, John B    H    CT    D    $8,000    $8,000    $0
Lewis, Jerry    H    CA    R    $8,000    $7,000    $1,000
Melancon, Charles J    H    LA    D    $8,000    $8,000    $0
Walsh, James T    H    NY    R    $7,750    $0    $7,750
Corker, Bob    S    TN    R    $7,750    $2,000    $5,750
Cramer, Bud    H    AL    D    $7,500    $7,000    $500
Cubin, Barbara    H    WY    R    $7,500    $5,000    $2,500
Ensign, John    S    NV    R    $7,300    $6,000    $1,300
Meek, Kendrick B    H    FL    D    $7,250    $6,500    $750
Wilson, Charlie    H    OH    D    $7,250    $7,000    $250
Leahy, Patrick    S    VT    D    $7,250    $2,500    $4,750
Cleaver, Emanuel    H    MO    D    $7,000    $7,000    $0
Marchant, Kenny Ewell    H    TX    R    $7,000    $7,000    $0
Thompson, Bennie G    H    MS    D    $7,000    $6,000    $1,000
Casey, Bob    S    PA    D    $7,000    $6,000    $1,000
Solis, Hilda L    H    CA    D    $6,800    $6,500    $300
Gordon, Bart    H    TN    D    $6,750    $4,000    $2,750
Pomeroy, Earl    H    ND    D    $6,750    $5,000    $1,750
Tiahrt, Todd    H    KS    R    $6,500    $6,500    $0
Boyd, Allen    H    FL    D    $6,000    $5,500    $500
Capuano, Michael E    H    MA    D    $6,000    $5,000    $1,000
Heller, Dean    H    NV    R    $6,000    $6,000    $0
Marshall, Jim    H    GA0    D    $6,000    $6,000    $0
Whitfield, Ed    H    KY    R    $6,000    $6,000    $0
Klobuchar, Amy    S    MN    D    $5,650    $1,500    $4,150
Ross, Mike    H    AR    D    $5,550    $3,000    $2,550
McCarthy, Carolyn    H    NY    D    $5,500    $5,500    $0
Slaughter, Louise M    H    NY    D    $5,500    $5,500    $0
Hodes, Paul W    H    NH    D    $5,450    $5,000    $450
Cardin, Ben    S    MD    D    $5,300    $500    $4,800
Boren, Dan    H    OK    D    $5,250    $5,000    $250
Ackerman, Gary    H    NY    D    $5,000    $4,000    $1,000
Andrews, Robert E    H    NJ    D    $5,000    $0    $5,000
Camp, Dave    H    MI    R    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Cole, Tom    H    OK    R    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Davis, Lincoln    H    TN    D    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Hill, Baron    H    IN    D    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Pearce, Steve    H    NM    R    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Perlmutter, Edwin G    H    CO    D    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Weller, Jerry    H    IL    R    $5,000    $0    $5,000
Snowe, Olympia J    S    ME    R    $5,000    $4,000    $1,000
Wicker, Roger    S    MS    R    $5,000    $5,000    $0
Davis, Danny K    H    IL    D    $4,950    $2,000    $2,950
Chabot, Steve    H    OH    R    $4,750    $3,000    $1,750
Honda, Mike    H    CA    D    $4,750    $4,000    $750
Price, David    H    NC    D    $4,550    $2,050    $2,500
Hagel, Chuck    S    NE    R    $4,500    $0    $4,500
Lugar, Richard G    S    IN    R    $4,500    $1,000    $3,500
Kaptur, Marcy    H    OH    D    $4,350    $1,000    $3,350
McCollum, Betty    H    MN    D    $4,350    $0    $4,350
Carson, Andre    H    IN    D    $4,250    $4,000    $250
Obey, David R    H    WI    D    $4,250    $2,000    $2,250
Salazar, John    H    CO    D    $4,250    $4,000    $250
Sanchez, Loretta    H    CA    D    $4,250    $3,000    $1,250
Tanner, John    H    TN    D    $4,250    $3,500    $750
Cardoza, Dennis    H    CA    D    $4,000    $4,000    $0
English, Phil    H    PA    R    $4,000    $4,000    $0
Green, Al    H    TX    D    $4,000    $4,000    $0
Kilpatrick, Carolyn Cheeks    H    MI    D    $4,000    $3,250    $750
Murphy, Chris    H    CT    D    $4,000    $4,000    $0
Tester, Jon    S    MT    D    $4,000    $3,500    $500
Rodriguez, Ciro D    H    TX    D    $3,750    $3,000    $750
Donnelly, Joe    H    IN    D    $3,500    $3,500    $0
Matsui, Doris O    H    CA    D    $3,500    $2,500    $1,000
Paul, Ron    H    TX    R    $3,500    $0    $3,500
Price, Tom    H    GA    R    $3,500    $3,500    $0

Schmidt, Jean    H    OH    R    $3,500    $2,500    $1,000
Wexler, Robert    H    FL    D    $3,500    $3,500    $0
Wyden, Ron    S    OR    D    $3,500    $0    $3,500
Biden, Joseph R Jr    S    DE    D    $3,300    $0    $3,300 ************
To be continued...
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2008, 01:32:24 AM »
Gutierrez, Luis V    H    IL    D    $3,250    $2,500    $750
Harman, Jane    H    CA    D    $3,250    $0    $3,250
Hensarling, Jeb    H    TX    R    $3,250    $1,500    $1,750
Kennedy, Patrick J    H    RI    D    $3,250    $0    $3,250
Ryan, Paul    H    WI    R    $3,250    $2,500    $750
Myrick, Sue    H    NC    R    $3,200    $1,500    $1,700
Schwartz, Allyson    H    PA    D    $3,200    $2,000    $1,200
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln    H    FL    R    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Lucas, Frank D    H    OK    R    $3,000    $1,500    $1,500
McCarthy, Kevin    H    CA    R    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Souder, Mark E    H    IN    R    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Udall, Mark    H    CO    D    $3,000    $2,500    $500
Bingaman, Jeff    S    NM    D    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Levin, Carl    S    MI    D    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Stevens, Ted    S    AK    R    $3,000    $3,000    $0
Hobson, Dave    H    OH    R    $2,850    $0    $2,850
Johnson, Eddie Bernice    H    TX    D    $2,825    $1,000    $1,825
Berkley, Shelley    H    NV    D    $2,750    $2,000    $750
Jones, Walter B Jr    H    NC    R    $2,750    $0    $2,750
Ferguson, Mike    H    NJ    R    $2,700    $0    $2,700
Cannon, Chris    H    UT    R    $2,500    $2,000    $500
Childers, Travis W    H    MS    D    $2,500    $2,500    $0
DeGette, Diana    H    CO    D    $2,500    $2,000    $500
Ellison, Keith    H    MN    D    $2,500    $2,500    $0
Keller, Ric    H    FL    R    $2,500    $2,000    $500
Oberstar, James L    H    MN    D    $2,500    $0    $2,500
Serrano, Jose E    H    NY    D    $2,500    $1,500    $1,000
Shays, Christopher    H    CT    R    $2,500    $2,000    $500
McCaskill, Claire    S    MO    D    $2,500    $2,500    $0
Cuellar, Henry    H    TX    D    $2,450    $2,000    $450
Markey, Edward J    H    MA    D    $2,250    $0    $2,250
Smith, Adam    H    WA    D    $2,250    $2,000    $250
Butterfield, G K    H    NC    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Costa, Jim    H    CA    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Foster, Bill    H    IL    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Grijalva, Raul M    H    AZ    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Hastings, Doc    H    WA    R    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Moran, Jerry    H    KS    R    $2,000    $0    $2,000
Murphy, Patrick J    H    PA    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Olver, John W    H    MA    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Porter, Jon    H    NV    R    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Regula, Ralph    H    OH    R    $2,000    $0    $2,000
Reichert, Dave    H    WA    R    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Sanchez, Linda    H    CA    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Sires, Albio    H    NJ    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Tauscher, Ellen    H    CA    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Akaka, Daniel K    S    HI    D    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Cochran, Thad    S    MS    R    $2,000    $2,000    $0
Whitehouse, Sheldon    S    RI    D    $2,000    $1,000    $1,000
Allen, Tom    H    ME    D    $1,950    $0    $1,950
Stearns, Cliff    H    FL    R    $1,850    $1,850    $0
DeLauro, Rosa L    H    CT    D    $1,750    $1,000    $750
Towns, Edolphus    H    NY    D    $1,750    $0    $1,750
Hulshof, Kenny    H    MO    R    $1,700    $1,250    $450
Fattah, Chaka    H    PA    D    $1,500    $1,000    $500
Neal, Richard E    H    MA    D    $1,500    $1,500    $0
Diaz-Balart, Mario    H    FL    R    $1,450    $1,000    $450
Kucinich, Dennis J    H    OH    D    $1,349    $0    $1,349
Alexander, Rodney    H    LA    R    $1,250    $1,250    $0
Carnahan, Russ    H    MO    D    $1,250    $1,000    $250
Wilson, Heather A    H    NM    R    $1,250    $0    $1,250
Coburn, Tom    S    OK    R    $1,250    $0    $1,250
Feingold, Russ    S    WI    D    $1,250    $0    $1,250
Kyl, Jon    S    AZ    R    $1,250    $0    $1,250
Linder, John    H    GA    R    $1,150    $500    $650
Sestak, Joe    H    PA    D    $1,150    $0    $1,150
Specter, Arlen    S    PA    R    $1,100    $350    $750
Berry, Marion    H    AR    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Blackburn, Marsha    H    TN    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Boswell, Leonard L    H    IA    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Boucher, Rick    H    VA    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Boustany, Charles W Jr    H    LA    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Calvert, Ken    H    CA    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Campbell, John    H    CA    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Cazayoux, Donald J    H    LA    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Conaway, Mike    H    TX    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Cooper, Jim    H    TN    D    $1,000    $500    $500
Ellsworth, Brad    H    IN    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Filner, Bob    H    CA    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Graves, Sam    H    MO    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Hayes, Robin    H    NC    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Higgins, Brian M    H    NY    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Johnson, Hank    H    GA    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Latham, Tom    H    IA    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Lofgren, Zoe    H    CA    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
McNerney, Jerry    H    CA    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Michaud, Mike    H    ME    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Mitchell, Harry E    H    AZ    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Musgrave, Marilyn    H    CO    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Ortiz, Solomon P    H    TX    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Rush, Bobby L    H    IL    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Schiff, Adam    H    CA    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Scott, Robert C    H    VA    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Smith, Chris    H    NJ    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Space, Zachary T    H    OH    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Terry, Lee    H    NE    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Walberg, Tim    H    MI    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Welch, Peter    H    VT    D    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Wolf, Frank R    H    VA    R    $1,000    $1,000    $0
Dole, Elizabeth    S    NC    R    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Lautenberg, Frank R    S    NJ    D    $1,000    $0    $1,000
Christian-Green, Donna    D    VI    D    $750    $0    $750
Inslee, Jay R    H    WA    D    $750    $0    $750
Duncan, John J Jr    H    TN    R    $600    $600    $0
Bilbray, Brian P    H    CA    R    $500    $0    $500
Bishop, Sanford D Jr    H    GA    D    $500    $500    $0
Castor, Kathy    H    FL    D    $500    $0    $500
Edwards, Donna    H    MD    D    $500    $0    $500
Hinchey, Maurice    H    NY    D    $500    $0    $500
LaHood, Ray    H    IL    R    $500    $0    $500
Mack, Connie    H    FL    R    $500    $0    $500
Pascrell, Bill Jr    H    NJ    D    $500    $500    $0
Pickering, Charles "Chip" Jr    H    MS    R    $500    $500    $0
Rehberg, Denny    H    MT    R    $500    $0    $500
Sarbanes, John    H    MD    D    $500    $0    $500
Shadegg, John    H    AZ    R    $500    $0    $500
Skelton, Ike    H    MO    D    $500    $500    $0
Smith, Lamar    H    TX    R    $500    $500    $0
Stark, Pete    H    CA    D    $500    $500    $0
Weldon, Dave    H    FL    R    $500    $0    $500
Wu, David    H    OR    D    $500    $0    $500
Graham, Lindsey    S    SC    R    $500    $0    $500
Brown, Corrine    H    FL    D    $450    $0    $450
Turner, Michael R    H    OH    R    $375    $0    $375
Hastings, Alcee L    H    FL    D    $300    $0    $300
Warner, John W    S    VA    R    $300    $0    $300
Aderholt, Robert B    H    AL    R    $250    $0    $250
Arcuri, Michael    H    NY    D    $250    $0    $250
Carney, Chris    H    PA    D    $250    $0    $250
Dicks, Norm    H    WA    D    $250    $0    $250
Lampson, Nick    H    TX    D    $250    $0    $250
Manzullo, Don    H    IL    R    $250    $0    $250
Platts, Todd    H    PA    R    $250    $0    $250
Watson, Diane E    H    CA    D    $250    $0    $250
Weiner, Anthony D    H    NY    D    $250    $0    $250
DeMint, James W    S    SC    R    $250    $0    $250
Sanders, Bernie    S    VT    I    $250    $250    $0
Total                   $4,844,572    $3,017,797    $1,826,775

Includes contributions from PACs and individuals. 2008 cycle totals based on data released electronically by the Federal Election Commission on Sept. 2, 2008.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2008, 06:50:05 AM »
Explains why the republicans aren't bringing it up. As I suspected btw.

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Re: Just wrote my Representative
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2008, 06:51:16 AM »
Nice post Dred!
Interesting that Republicans were not in your list, though.

This is why as stated in my letter

"Not that the republicans have been any better.
But this is about your claim that Democrats tried to do something."

Obviously you found a different list then I was presented with.
On my list

5 of the top 5 are Democrats. And only 3 in the top 10 are Republicans.
3 of the top 5. And of the top 10 for that matter. Not only are Democrats. But ultra prominent ones who ran or are running for president
Obaama, the current nominee, Kerry, the last nominee, And Hillary. the almost became nominee.

No matter. the ratio of major players is just as bad in the top 15 in your list

My only regret. is I wish I had triple checked it before I sent it.
I forgot the R in "Treason"  :eek:

« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 06:54:18 AM by DREDIOCK »
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