In an attempt at gathering up some momentum towards the upcoming Convention, us Outlaws are requesting cooperation from other "lawbreakers" to kick up some dust. As suggested by the title of this post, we will refer to this Joint Squadron operation as "Saloon Brawl".,247784.0.htmlOriginally, I had themed it as Outlaw Joint Squad Ops. I still enjoy this idea but it is more importantly an invitation for all squadrons and individuals to mount up and rustle up some fun. I wish to have this organized somewhat before the Aces High Convention dates this month.
I hope to see hombres teamed up to do some Bronco (P51) busting, lil' brown JUG (P47) carrying, Lightning (P38) swift wingman riding, FUN!!
Although, it will be "joint ops" I expect that every division will be left to conduct their squadron as usual. We will merely, suggest target objectives and let the brawl begin. Also, optional, set up Squad vs. Squad DA duals if desired. CO's please check with your squad members and see if they are interested.