I spent an hour putting a TF-51D, converted from a 1944 vintage P-51D, call sign 'Crazy Horse' thru an aerobatic session,
..including accelerated stalls, power on straight ahead stalls, right turn hard pull till she stalled,
..and the dreaded left turn hard pull until she snapped, 10 degree flap down max turn rate turns,
..it's on video if you want to watch it.
Lee Lauderback had the camera pointing back at me and one up on the fin looking forward
for the whole sequence from engine start to engine shut off.
I did everything I useda do in the Arena except gun some helpless dweeb outta the sky
ie: we did simulated ground attack runs, the 'pop up' for target aquisition completely matched what you get out of the Stang in the arena, ..
..zoom from 400mph to 3500', roll onto target, guns-guns-guns..pull off at 100' AGL ..oh yaaa.
The biggest differences?
Awesome frame rate.
You have to put 50lbs of pressure on the stick for each 'G' you pull.
(ya .. to pull 4G's it takes about 150lbs of pressure on the stick
..that's both hands, feet braced on the rudder pedals, and PULL ..HARD ..HARDER ..PULLHARD!!
.. unless you trim thru it, which I did on the Split S from 8500' AGL)
The sound.. just cant get that gut feelin of the Merlin up front, the shake of the whole fuselage when she fires up, etc.
..and last but not least, the feelin on touchdown after an hour of dancing in the clouds ..
..ya bay-bee .. worth every penny.
Instead of the radio in back, it had me.
Instead of the 50 cals in the wings, he has fuel tanks there.
We were runnin about 50 percent fuel quantity, and of course, nothing in the rear fuse tank
(I don't think that one is still installed .. just too dangerous with it).
He said the weights about matched a combat ready P-51D without the drop tanks.
They use Crazy Horse to train Naval Aviators, it's rigged so it flies very much like the 1944 P-51D it came from.
No hot rod Reno engine, 'stock' motor.
Control deflections all match the original Tech Orders, .. the works.
I know Dale flew it also, and Mad Max ..the other TF-51D that Lee operates.
It was and is just a little bit more than 'just spendin time flyin around'
.. Lee let us find out where the Lady sings.
-GE aka Frank