Author Topic: An idea to a graphic gimmick  (Read 106 times)

Offline GrinBird

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An idea to a graphic gimmick
« on: January 28, 2000, 05:13:00 AM »
There is one forum that I really miss here at the AcesHigh BBS. And thats a forum for crazy ideas to improve the game or just make it special. Everything from strategy to graphix.
Well here is my idea. I have discussed it a couple of times with HT, and I am posting it here not to be nagging, but to make sure that my idea is understood right.
Imagine that you are patrolling at high altitude with a couple of wingys, quite peacefull here no dots can be seen anywhere.... but hey what was that? I think I saw som sun flashes near that cloud!?! And then again.. sun reflections in cockpits it must be, and there must be a major furball going on.
Does that sound as something from a wartime diary? Well it wasnt but it could as well had been a quote from a book.
Dont get me wrong I dont think the sunreflections should be made as real rendering but rather as a carefully balanced random function that should give reflections now and then from a distant dot and a little before the plane becomes visible as a dot.
I imagine something like 2 or 3 random flashes in a period of 3 minutes. It shouldent be overdone so the sky would be full of flashes all of the time, but I am sure a good balance could be found.
It could be difficult to make look right but as programming it shouldent be very difficult. And it shouldent require any extra CPU power or bandwidth.
I know its just a gimmick, nothing important but sometimes the gimmicks are what makes a game something very special. I have the idea from MigAlley, but the way I imagine it used in AH is quite different from that in MigAlley.
