About once a tour I'll have 12 or so Pigs up in Spit14 to sweep over one of our alt hoarded nit bases. We come in 16-18K and everything starts running away or diving out when they see 12-15 Spit14. Very few stay and fight. By then the runners radio back that there is a stratospheric hoard of alt Piggies in Spit14 and the next hoard wave comes back at 20-30K. But we just climb the spit14 to that group and push them down. Lotta players in the game don't know how to fight above 20K, much less ever will.
There are three sad problems with the Spit14.
1. It sucks fuel like breached oil tanker<Exxon Valdeze>. If you have to fly a sector and climb to 16k for a fight, you better get your business done quick. Hit WEP and you can watch the fuel needle move on the dial. You won't get much time in it if you try to up with a small fuel load and a slipper tank.
2. The torqe can make it unstable at low speeds and get you rapidly in trouble diving at high speed. If you dont fly it frequently it can be very unforgiving if you get it slow and then want to fly it like a spit16. At slow speed any attempts with (cranking & yanking) will win you a stall or worse, the plane becomes unstable and slowly shudders through the first quarter of your manuver and stops.......When you dive in from your PICK PURCH if you don't cut throttle and even use the rudder as a break you can find yourself a lawn dart, or worse unable to do anything but collide with, or roar past your target and take a few rounds from behind while your controls are frozen.
3. At the end of the Pig's Spit14 high alt sweep, invariable everyone wants kills, and ends up on the deck where the fights are. I cant blame them, but the spit14 becomes fodder for spit<everything>, Niki, A6m, ....everything on the deck. Furballing on the deck it's a little less manuverable than the spit8 and is more unstable than the spit8 at slower speeds. Most players forget to fly it like a 51B down on the deck instead of a (yank & crank) spit16.
I vote to unperk the ugly beast.
I suspect you will see it become like the Bf109K4 after everyone gets tired of it not being the UBER bush whacker the spit16 is, but instead a low alt furball coffin. Eventualy it will be flown by a core few in the manner that the Muppets have made the K4 famous. The spit14 takes too much effort for the average pilot to like it.