Author Topic: An announcement from the CM Team  (Read 732 times)

Offline Sled

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An announcement from the CM Team
« on: October 26, 2008, 03:17:21 PM »
I have been charged with the FSO Team lead position for about 15 months now, but it is now time for me to concentrate on the job of leading the CM Team. So with that I am announcing that 68Falcon, will be taking the FSO Team Lead position. His qualifications far exceed mine. He has been involved with the event much longer than I , and is a previous CM Team CO. He is a true class act and the FSO community is lucky that he is able to take this position. FSO will Be better for it.

Hold the Champagne, I'm not finished. ;)

I took over the commanding the CM team about two months ago, and since then I have been both the CO of the CM Team and the Team lead of FSO. There was a time a few years ago where this was not uncommon, but today with the growth of FSO, it is just to much work for one person. I have a job that can require me to work long hours with little advance notice, plus I have a family with two young children that are just starting school, so I need to be able to give them more time now as well. With all of that said, Leading the CM team will be more than enough work for me in the next year.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the FSO Team lead. I have made a lot of new friends. I have also made some people not want to attend the event. Unfortunately that is the way it goes when you are making decisions about things that involve 500 people. Not everyone is going to like what you are doing. My goal was to grow FSO with the idea that when you fly FSO you are going to see action, and you are going to have an experience that resembles real combat in WWII. Was that always achieved? No. But I will stand behind the fact that FSO did see tremendous growth in the last year, and I am glad I am leaving being able to say that. That is certainly not all my doing, none of this would have happened without the hard work of my FSO Team. THEY are the ones that make this event happen. I might have been the steering wheel at times (not all the time) but they were the rest of the car. So I want to give special thanks to them, and to others, who make FSO and all of AHSE's happen.

FSO Admins (event designers)

Squire (warloc)

FSO set-up (the guys on the "FSO front line")


Also a special Thank you to all on the AH CM Terrain Team. these guys spend many hours working on the maps we use that really make the event what it is. With out them we would just be running these events on MA maps, and that would really take away from the "falvor" of AHSE's. These guys get little recognition, so I wanted to give them some here.


Dux  (Team Lead)

And last Thank you to all the players of FSO, I have made a lot of new friends in this event, and I hope the rest of you don't hold to much against me. ;) I know at times some of you felt I was being to harsh, or even unfair, But I was only doing what I felt needed to be done to maintain the integrity of the event. I NEVER wanted anyone to leave because of a decision I made, but unfortunately that happens sometimes.

In closing. IMHO, FSO and all of AHSE's is what AH is all about. People come to these types of "games" because they want to get a taste of WWII air combat. I feel that AHSE's brings that to you the players. Of course I am partial to FSO because I have been involved with it for so long. I will always try to be involved with this event, whether it is as a player, leader, or advisor. I will always remain a part of it.

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