Author Topic: Who defeated Germany?  (Read 3466 times)

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2008, 09:16:44 PM »
I have to agree with Chalenge. It boils down to Hilter biting off more than Germany could chew. He had his hands full to the west and what does he do? He decides to betray his neighbor to the east. Not too smart  :lol
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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2008, 10:15:20 PM »
Would it be reasonable to say that the Soviet army played the majority role in breaking the Wehrmacht?


actually i would disagree with a statement as plain as that. yes it was the Russians who threw millions of bodies into the blender, but the Russian war machine was dead if not for the supplies sent to them in enormous volume by the west.

also, had the west not maintained the constant bombing and air campain on the German war machine the Luftwaffe would have had free reign over the eastern front and the German soldiers would have had plenty of supplies.

the Russians would have run out of weaponless soldiers to feed to the grinder long before they had managed to even annoy the Wehrmacht had the west not fed the need of the Russian army and systematically depleted the military supplies needed by the germans while tying up a good portion of the Luftwaffe.

as i said before, no one or even two of the Allies stood a chance, if it wasn't all of them then the world would be a very different place today.


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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2008, 10:46:39 PM »
i would have to say the credit goes to america. thier resources were out of the axis bomber range, they had a large force of men, had lots of factories and ports to produce war machines, had good commanders to deploy the troops, and had the mentality that we could do anything,
so overall america helped the most, though credit should go out to all the allied forces who took on the axis.
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Offline -tronski-

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2008, 11:51:04 PM »
The Allies defeated the Germans...with the Russians taking the lions share of the killing and being killed

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Offline Hooligan

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2008, 02:21:42 AM »
The Germans invaded Russia at the worst possible moment for the Russians.  The Soviet army was disorganized and severely weakened from the purges and their dispositions were poor as they had left their previous well prepared positions in the USSR and were occupying only partially prepared positions in Poland.  During the first summer they repeatedly suffered horrific defeats due to Stalin's poor handling of the campaign.  In the first 4 months of a 4 year war the Soviets took something like half of their total military losses for the entire war.  Despite having almost every piece of good luck they could possibly have in 1941, the Germans still did not defeat the Soviets.  By the end of 1941 the Soviets inflicted a serious defeat on the Germans before the US properly entered the war, much less before the West gave them any substantive help from the Western Allies.

IMO the Soviets did by far the Lion’s share of defeating the Germans.  And they would have done it with or without help from the West (although at a far greater cost).  Germany did not have the staying power to win a prolonged war against either the Soviet Union or the Western Allies.  Either the West or Russia would have had the resources to prevail over Germany alone, as long as Germany did not manage to force an early victory.


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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2008, 03:24:12 AM »
One thing about the Russians , they may have stopped the Germans . They would never have driven them out without lend lease . 100 % of the Russian motorised transport were International Harvesters .

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2008, 07:24:23 AM »
i would have to say the credit goes to america. thier resources were out of the axis bomber range, they had a large force of men, had lots of factories and ports to produce war machines, had good commanders to deploy the troops, and had the mentality that we could do anything,
so overall america helped the most, though credit should go out to all the allied forces who took on the axis.

I waited for this one  :aok
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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2008, 08:08:44 AM »
The Germans invaded Russia at the worst possible moment for the Russians.  The Soviet army was disorganized and severely weakened from the purges and their dispositions were poor as they had left their previous well prepared positions in the USSR and were occupying only partially prepared positions in Poland.  During the first summer they repeatedly suffered horrific defeats due to Stalin's poor handling of the campaign.  In the first 4 months of a 4 year war the Soviets took something like half of their total military losses for the entire war.  Despite having almost every piece of good luck they could possibly have in 1941, the Germans still did not defeat the Soviets.  By the end of 1941 the Soviets inflicted a serious defeat on the Germans before the US properly entered the war, much less before the West gave them any substantive help from the Western Allies.

IMO the Soviets did by far the Lion’s share of defeating the Germans.  And they would have done it with or without help from the West (although at a far greater cost).  Germany did not have the staying power to win a prolonged war against either the Soviet Union or the Western Allies.  Either the West or Russia would have had the resources to prevail over Germany alone, as long as Germany did not manage to force an early victory.


Sorry Hooligan with this over view I must disagree.

if your going to bring into this topic the upper mismanagement of the Russian military then you must, in a perfect world, bring in the complete incompetence of the German leaders.

Hitler redirected the Wehrmacht how many different times? pulled men or materials out of the original battle plan to accomplish missions that could easily have waited until after the Russians fell?

had say Rommel or one of the other professional soldiers of the Wehrmacht been in complete control of the military instead of Hitler then the Russians would have been crushed in the first summer.

the battle of Stalingrad would have never happened, the battle of kursk would have never happened these battles that allowed the Russians to use their massive numbers in body wave after body wave would have not happened. no mechanized commander allows his army to fall into a static siege war nor would he allow the precious materials, fuel, food, ammunition, air support ect to be diverted away from his front line troops.

so incompetence was rampant on both sides of that fight.

the western allies kept Hitler busy in Africa, Italy and building fortress Europe. had these massive depletion on the Wehrmacht not been a constant and steady reality, then the Wehrmacht would have been over double its initial strength when they invaded Russia. it would not have had to split its supply between multiple fronts, the Luftwaffe would have been immeasurably stronger.

if not for the war on two fronts the Russians would have been crushed without pause.

the Russians did alot, yes i will credit them for their massive sacrifice of men. but that is all they had, the advantage of having more soldiers than the germans had bullets.

the human wave attack is not a tactic or strategy. it is the form of war practiced by those without skill.

it didn't work for china or the north Koreans it didn't win any major battles in Vietnam. it is a losing strategy. unless you have more bodies than your enemy has bullets in the end you will lose.

so i respectfully disagree with you.

i would have to say the credit goes to America. their resources were out of the axis bomber range, they had a large force of men, had lots of factories and ports to produce war machines, had good commanders to deploy the troops, and had the mentality that we could do anything,
so overall America helped the most, though credit should go out to all the allied forces who took on the axis.

but you forget, without having England as a staging area, then the American military would have been unable to get a foot hold anywhere in Europe.

without the bulk of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe being tied up elsewhere, America even launching from England, would have never successfully managed a landing in Europe.  or if by some fluke they managed a beach head, they would have been pushed into the ocean in record time if they had to face the entire military might of Germany.

so America cannot take the majority of the credit for the victory.

no one or combination of two of the allies could have done it. even with all three together, if Hitler and his cronies had not been so incompetent Germany would have won. if not total victory then at the least a negotiated peace in the end.


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Offline RipChord929

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2008, 08:57:09 AM »
Well, lets not forget about many thousands of
German troops coolin their heels in Norway...
They never did make it into play... Allied air
and subs would have slaughtered them in the
transport ships...

The Germans had many resources that
were never tapped...

Could the US have forced a landing in France
without using Britain as a staging area..
Yes, of course... But it would have been much
later... After the defeat of Japan, after der Nookie...
With the 1st Amphibious Army, and the WHOLE USMC,
all transferred to the eto... AND, all those B29's LOL!!!
Oh yeah!!     Remember, Olympic/Coronet would have
Dwarfed the Dday and Okinawa operations.. Just
picture that landing in Normandy in 46 or so...

LOL, "what if's" are very interesting...

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"Yeah, a gut bustin, mother lovin, NAVY war!!!"

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2008, 09:18:22 AM »
Voss Did it... my himself, if he ever shows up again.... ask him he will tell you how he did it!
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Offline john9001

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2008, 09:19:18 AM »
The US fought a two front war, and the US was in Europe (Italy), before D-Day.

Offline BigPlay

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Re: Who defeated Germany?
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2008, 01:44:58 PM »
    I'm bringing this topic over from the general forum:  Who deserves the most credit for defeating Germany in WWII?  The Western Allies, i.e. USA and UK, or the USSR?  We're all pretty familiar with the arguments and counterarguments, so this should be interesting.

    Arguments in favor of the USSR:
    • 80% of the Wehrmacht was deployed in the East.
    • German aircraft production peaked in '44 underneath allied bombing
    • More German military died fighting Russia than the allies.

    Arguments in favor of the Western Allies:

    • Destroyed more of the Luftwaffe than the VVS
    • Disrupted German military production and supply with strategic bombing
    • Gave large quantities of raw materials and military hardware to the USSR, and therefore partly responsible for its success.

    The larger question is whether the USSR could have repelled Germany without the help of the USA and UK.  As an armchair historian, I tend to think the USSR could have prevailed without western help because of its unflinching ally, the Russian winter, not to mention all that Germany (Hitler) did to defeat itself with strategic blunders like the Fall advance of '42.  However, I know a lot of you are experts in this stuff, and would love to hear your view.

    I don't think the Russians could have defeated the Germans without help form the other Allies. America had to loan Russia planes when the conflict first started. Even towards the end of the war Russia suffered more causalities than at the beginning. Russia had no way of even attacking German ground during most of the conflict. They had no strategic means to bring any sort of fight to Germany. It was American and British pressure in the west that kept the Germans form engaging Russia at full strength. The reason aircraft production was at an all time high at wars end was primarily due to the cottage underground industry that Germany had set up. Fighter production was also at an all time high to deal with the constant bomber threat. All Russian aircraft were designed for close battlefield type sorties. They had nothing that could reach out and touch the Germans much past the front lines.

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    Re: Who defeated Germany?
    « Reply #27 on: October 29, 2008, 02:16:55 PM »

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    Offline BlauK

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    Re: Who defeated Germany?
    « Reply #28 on: October 29, 2008, 02:40:55 PM »
    There are of course a few nations that don't need mentioning, that tried to work for both just to save themselves.

    ..or AGAINST both of them at different times ;)

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    Offline Angus

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    Re: Who defeated Germany?
    « Reply #29 on: October 29, 2008, 03:57:56 PM »
    I spent a lot of research on this, or close to this topic.
    My conclusion was, that had the Russians been left alone for the Axis (say with a peace treaty between the British and the Germans after the fall of France as offered by Hitler in his "last appeal for reason"), the USSR would have lost, and probably so by Christmas 1941.
    Bear in mind that Moscow was saved by mere 10 divisions and some 30 miles. The Axis had 90 or more tied up elsewhere because of the Brits. Half the LW was scattered all over for the same reason, - not including the part who was killed between the fall of France and Barbarossa. The Krigsmarine's main effort was in the Atlantic, and the Italian Navy (Being stronger than the USSR black sea navy) had it's hands full against the Brits. The seaways down to the USSR underbelly (through the Black Sea) were closed by the RN, both at Gibraltar and deep in the Med.
    With all those factors nullified (And there are more), Germany would have struck earlier (Perhaps), with vastly more strength, much more swift supply, twice the airpower, and more resources. Something that easily would have "eaten" Moscow.
    Had the USSR not collapsed from the fall of Moscow, the campaign remained in the south. And there is the big question of a southern front fuelled from the Black Sea as well as through Romania.
    Bear in mind, that the Eastern front war lasted years, with Germany being bombed, and having her fights all over the Med, while the USSR was being supplied by the Western Allies as well.
    So, in short...had Hitler made Peace with the UK in July 1940 and getting his Naval embargo lifted, I think there is no doubt he would have defeated Stalin. The Wehrmacht would have slept in the Kremlin before Christmas....
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