Author Topic: Stick set up  (Read 124 times)

jeff newman

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Stick set up
« on: February 15, 2000, 12:32:00 AM »
Well Im not usually one to squeak and complain but this joystick menu is just to much for me. i cant tell if Im set up as best as I can get it or not can someone help me out on this issue. Ill give it a few more tries and then poof! Im gone.

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Offline weazel

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Stick set up
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2000, 12:56:00 AM »
Can you post more info-I.E. type of stick,rudder pedals etc,specific problems your having? I`m sure with the proper info you will find someone who can help you with this. Don`t give up yet JB.  

 JG2 "Richthofen"

Offline Westy

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Stick set up
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2000, 08:10:00 AM »
 jbnace, you're all over these boards with your problem and several people have offered suggestions or requested more info from you. Myself included.
 I suggest you stick to one board (HARDWARE) and post a concise description of your problem and what kind of equipment you have.  

p.s. A little more advice? When you sign a post with an ultimatum (fix it or else) more times than not folks walk away and say soyonara.

jeff newman

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Stick set up
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2000, 09:10:00 AM »
Ok ok Ill stick to one board. The question I have is not really a problem but a mis understanding of the set up. I have a Ch F16 combat stick pro throttle and peddles.
In the help area the refer to a straight line being ideal, now is the straight line in the scope / signal panel or is it in the slide indicator panel, OR should I try to obtain a smooth curvy line. Its probly just the game but it feels mushy, slow to respond ( and yes dampners etc know about those ).
If I cannot out turn a 190 with a Spit I figure something is awry in my set up. perhaps it would help the moron Mechanical Engineers as myself if they're were a graphical display of what ideal settings look like in the help menu!
Thanks for the responses folks I appreciate it.

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Offline Vermillion

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Stick set up
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2000, 11:30:00 AM »
Ok Jeff, here is the help I can give.

First off, it feels "mushy" compared to what? Airwarrior? FighterAce? Warbirds? SimBOB?

Now on sticksetup. I will skip deadbands and dampeners since you indicate you understand that part.  

There are two square windows with lines on the left hand side.

The upper one is like an "Ocilloscope". Move your controls, and you should see the line move. What you don't want to see is a "spiky" line. This indicates that the control you just moved is spiking and not working correctly. You also want to make sure that if you move the joystick as far as it will go, that the line on the "scope" moves all the way to the edge of the screen.

The lower one (window), is a control response curve, which is set by the sliders on the right labeled 0, 10, 20, etc. to 90.

Think of the 0 (zero) slider as being the first 10% of joystick movement, the 90 slider is last 10% of joystick movement, or as far as it will go.  If you move the 0 slider up very high (top of screen) that means that if you move the stick a very little bit, you will get alot of control response. If you keep that first slider low, you will get little control response from moving the stick that first 10% of its movement.

Now you will have a seperate setup for each control direction in pitch, roll, and yaw. And how you set them up depends on how you like them and flying style.

Personally, I fly Energy Tactics, so I don't like to pull hard G's. So I setup my controls to give my very little response initially, but full control force at the full joystick movement.

Here is how I set them up.

Pitch: pitch is the nose up and down. And since I keep my speed high in most cases (easy to blackout), I want a slow even response on this axis. So I set the 0 slider low about 1/10 of way up, 10 slider at 2/10, 20 slider 3/10, etc.

Roll: this moves your wings up and down. Now rolling doesn't make you black out, and its critical to quick maneuvers. So I want a high response on this axis at all times. So I set the 0 slider to 7/10 of the way up,10 slider to 8/10, 20 slider to 9/10, and 30-90 sliders to all the way up (10/10).

Yaw: this moves your tail side to side. Now I personally have to keep my yaw response set low or I get a rubber band effect.  So I setup a flat response curve and keep even the maximum throw set to a low control force. So I set the 0 slider to 10/100, 10 slider at 15/100's, etc up to 90 slider at 55/100's of its height (55% of height).

Now when you go to setup your stick, do it in one control direction at a time. Setup pitch, and then fly offline for a while. Readjust pitch, fly some more. Do this until pitch feels right.

Then repeat cycle for Roll and Yaw.

Just one dumb engineer to another.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
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jeff newman

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Stick set up
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2000, 08:18:00 PM »
Very good explanation and very much appreciated. The spiking hmmmmm going to have to read up on that one when I get the time as from what you indicate from the signal / oscope that I am indeed Spike Lee!
Using a game card 3 auto I may try manually setting it to different values to see what type of results I can aquire, if I do see changes after changing the value then I will assume all is lost and reformat my hard drive <just kidding>. Again I thank you and will post all of the good results that I get so as to be sure other can use the info!

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jeff newman

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Stick set up
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2000, 12:27:00 AM »
Just came from the arena after getting my set up right and had a few 3 and 4 kill sories so I do appreciate all of you help.
You all seem to be a very good group.
Im not far off from canceling that WB account.
Especially after the last bill i received. Wont tell you how much but it was a big one.

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