The first argument gun defenders go to is the 2nd amendment. I think the 2nd amendment is outdated and misused. It was written as an attempt to keep the citizens well armed against a tyrannical government. That is, the government is here to protect the people, but the people have the right to protect themselves from the government. I'm sorry but owning a few hand guns just isn't protection from the government. The US military is so strong and has access to so much firepower that it would make any armed militia just look silly. If we were really concerned with the 2nd amendment in its original intent, we would be arming ourselves with tanks and war planes.
Another argument will be that statistics show legal gun owners committing very few gun related crimes, but the bottom line is there are a lot of criminals out there that have guns too, that are committing crimes... where do you think they got all of these guns? Hint: they were legal bought/owned at some point. There is simply no arguing that taking away guns from everyone will make it a lot harder for criminals to get their hands on them.
The old stand by argument gun defenders turn to is using a gun as home defense. However there are some interesting statistics, one says for every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides (Kellermann, 1998). Another stat says regardless of storage practice, type of gun, or number of firearms in the home, having a gun in the home was associated with an increased risk of firearm homicide and suicide in the home (Dahlberg, Ikeda and Kresnow, 2004). A short barreled shotgun is THE best home defense weapon, arguing for the legality of other weapons for home defense is just stupid.
I'm all for gun rights, I own several hand guns, shotguns and rifles, and love collecting and shooting them, I'm even looking at buying a AR-15 soon. I'm just tired of seeing all the same arguments from 'our' side. Honestly these types of arguments make American gun owners in general look like a bunch of emotional, paranoid, red necks that probably should have their guns taken away. While the truth is most of us responsible gun owners don't have any illusions about protecting our families with automatic assault rifles or raising a militia against our government, we simply like collecting and shooting guns!