Author Topic: LYNX and the other haters  (Read 7640 times)

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #150 on: November 18, 2008, 08:57:51 PM »
He also mentioned that he has done a lot of homework before going into the main arenas and most likely picked up the lingo from reading the whines in the BBS.
SWchef  Lieutenant Colonel  Squadron Training Officer  125th Spartan Warriors

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #151 on: November 18, 2008, 08:58:24 PM »
true that, you could pretty much point your hurri at any plane and just start hoing.. if you bail out half ur sorties when you die chances are you'll have an even better score than that. of course.. this isn't what i do with my bail .ef macro.. neverr  :noid

then again people do say he talks like someone whos been talking on 200 for a long time..... hotard this, lala dweeb that.

He knows the intricate nuances of the game like the back of his hand.  That knowledge is experienced based which can't be learned in one week.  That's just a stone cold fact.

Offline Newman5

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #152 on: November 18, 2008, 08:59:05 PM »
then again people do say he talks like someone whos been talking on 200 for a long time..... hotard this, lala dweeb that.

That was exactly what was said today on 200, which started this whole mess.
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Offline Dragon

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #153 on: November 18, 2008, 09:00:53 PM »
He knows the intricate nuances of the game like the back of his hand.  That knowledge is experienced based which can't be learned in one week.  That's just a stone cold fact.

SWchef  Lieutenant Colonel  Squadron Training Officer  125th Spartan Warriors

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #154 on: November 18, 2008, 09:01:10 PM »
Well, I've had about enough.

It's so enjoyable to log into a game I pay money for and get harassed by people who are jealous that a newcomer can do well. The ironic part is that if I totally sucked at this game, people wouldn't care. But since I DARE to actually maintain a positive score most days, I'm some sort of cloaked threat to AH2.

LYNX, I think it's completely pathetic how you act towards me. As you claim, it's not that I can outfly and outfight you (Which I did on day 1 or 2) it's that I 'talk' like a vet here on the forum.  Your words not MINE

SNIPPED the rest because it's just a rant

*gauntlet in the dust*

OK matey where to begin?  "Icing on the cake" I think you said further into this thread.  Well that's just as maybe and more to the point. 

I have seen your AAR's and like others was surprised and refreshed to see a newbie with such zest for the game.  I also have seen the replies you got from others shouting shade from day 1.  Now I'm me own man and I don't need to be told or take hinder from the pack so my judgment on this matter was reserved.  It's not inconceivable for a newbie to know terminology, maneuvers or the back end of a bus from the front, especially if they came here from another sim.

What I witnessed today was you having a little rant on 200 about spawn camping.  You were using terminology specific to AH smack to which i said something to the effect "skytiger has adapted well to the ways of smack talk....not a newbie".  Precipitated by another little rant from yourself.  Must have been the the "Icing" that caused that. :rolleyes:  If you see that as an attack on you by myself you are deluded as is PFactorDave. Unfortunately I deleted the film with all the text on which would have shown you in your true colours. (anyone got the text on theirs)  I do save a screen shot (below).

Your little rant on 200 was putting words in my mouth and somewhat manipulative.  As I said on 200 I don't give a hoot if your a shade account but you ain't blagging me.  I didn't say you was a "vet".  I said you had been here before.  I didn't say anything about your AAR's I said your "TEXT" gives you away.

Now for anyone else remotely bothered lets look at some things.  Skytiger claims to be the newbie and if he is all well and good but somethings don't add up. 
1)Newbie has more kills than deaths ....granted that's conceivable. 
2)Newbie knows his way around describing a few maneuvers....again conceivable. 
3)Newbie knows his way around the key commands....again conceivable. 
4)Newbie knows his way around coms ...again conceivable. 
5)Newbie talks verbatim AH smack on 200.....again conceivable. 
6)Then to top it off the newbie tells me he knows about my 12 year history in flight sims (10 actually)

Add all those together from a newbie and just who are you freakin kiddin.   

And here's what lies under the covers after I said I'd refer any further remarks (on 200) to the BBs so we could carry on playing the game.  I was actually going to be nice and say what I thought respectfully.

It's seems me and my ilk are the downfull of AH which any newbie knows all about.

Skytiger I couldn't give a monkey's **** if your a shade.  It matters to me not but it's my opinion you have been here before.......  The end.

Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #155 on: November 18, 2008, 09:02:42 PM »
No problem ack-crack. You dont mind that do you?

Nope he's shot down more then that ack-crack. I'm not going to name names but he's shot down some good sticks. Even if they aren't guys that dont vulch a lot, or stick stir until they reach their lines. I know some of these guys are good. Ive seen them. Scores? Ranks? They are all 1/2 phony anyway.

Except you never really up them except in defense now do you? And most of us, except for you ack-crack, dont get a 1 on 1 kill ratio for months.
Yaknow the funny thing is even ack-crack doesn't believe the guy is legit but he's going to bust into the thread and start talking thru his crack anyways. Why pass up a chance to start some trouble? Well....I guess thats why he's "Ack-Crack". Everyone should have 1.

From the looks of it, you started everything
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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #156 on: November 18, 2008, 09:06:54 PM »
Now, that, looks familiar.
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running very fast
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Offline RumbleB

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #157 on: November 18, 2008, 09:08:04 PM »
lol lynx, exactly how would he know the game subs aren't booming...

If i had to bet, id put my money on it being quite an average player coming back with a different name hoping for a clean slate. seeing as I can't bet and the truth will most likely never be known for sure...
im just gonna sit back and enjoy the coming 10 pages or so of back n forth rants.

lovely, i have no life atm. it's cause my knee is busted though. swelling like a tennisball.  :devil

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #158 on: November 18, 2008, 09:08:59 PM »
Now, that, looks familiar.

It does, doesn't it...

Larry and Eaglehrt are actually more entertaining tho...

My regards

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline SkyTiger

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #159 on: November 18, 2008, 09:10:14 PM »
OK matey where to begin?  "Icing on the cake" I think you said further into this thread.  Well that's just as maybe and more to the point. 

I have seen your AAR's and like others was surprised and refreshed to see a newbie with such zest for the game.  I also have seen the replies you got from others shouting shade from day 1.  Now I'm me own man and I don't need to be told or take hinder from the pack so my judgment on this matter was reserved.  It's not inconceivable for a newbie to know terminology, maneuvers or the back end of a bus from the front, especially if they came here from another sim.

What I witnessed today was you having a little rant on 200 about spawn camping.  You were using terminology specific to AH smack to which i said something to the effect "skytiger has adapted well to the ways of smack talk....not a newbie".  Precipitated by another little rant from yourself.  Must have been the the "Icing" that caused that. :rolleyes:  If you see that as an attack on you by myself you are deluded as is PFactorDave. Unfortunately I deleted the film with all the text on which would have shown you in your true colours. (anyone got the text on theirs)  I do save a screen shot (below).

Your little rant on 200 was putting words in my mouth and somewhat manipulative.  As I said on 200 I don't give a hoot if your a shade account but you ain't blagging me.  I didn't say you was a "vet".  I said you had been here before.  I didn't say anything about your AAR's I said your "TEXT" gives you away.

Now for anyone else remotely bothered lets look at some things.  Skytiger claims to be the newbie and if he is all well and good but somethings don't add up. 
1)Newbie has more kills than deaths ....granted that's conceivable. 
2)Newbie knows his way around describing a few maneuvers....again conceivable. 
3)Newbie knows his way around the key commands....again conceivable. 
4)Newbie knows his way around coms ...again conceivable. 
5)Newbie talks verbatim AH smack on 200.....again conceivable. 
6)Then to top it off the newbie tells me he knows about my 12 year history in flight sims (10 actually)

Add all those together from a newbie and just who are you freakin kiddin.   

And here's what lies under the covers after I said I'd refer any further remarks (on 200) to the BBs so we could carry on playing the game.  I was actually going to be nice and say what I thought respectfully.

(Image removed from quote.)

It's seems me and my ilk are the downfull of AH which any newbie knows all about.

Skytiger I couldn't give a monkey's **** if your a shade.  It matters to me not but it's my opinion you have been here before.......  The end.

And if you didn't have your head up your butt, you'd have seen I got that 12+ years thing from someone else who was involved in the conversation. Something to the effect of "After 12+ years, LYNX can spot shades". But of course, to selectively further your own argument you leave that part out. As if I know or care who you are enough to keep track of how much you play.

That's the whole damn point. I've seen the term "dweeb" thrown around since the first TEN minutes I began playing. I've seen the term "Lala" too. Since when does it take some sort of expert or pro to begin using the same terms people use alongside me every day?

I stopped calling P-51s "Mustangs" on day three and just shortened it to Pony. How is that special, and who the heck are you to try and judge me? I've never bothered you Lynx, but when I point out that it's cowardly for someone to sit on a GV spawn with their gun pointed at the spawn spot, you had to jump in and say I picked up on the smack talk lingo.

Why am I the only one not allowed to use 200 to challenge people? Did you ever consider I typed that hoping the guy would stop to type for a few seconds so I could spawn in and nail him? Did you ever consider that I DO think it's a cowardly way to play, and I don't go for cheap kills? I don't HO unless absolutely forced to (IE: A zoomer wants to run 4k away, turn, make a HO then run again.. over and over), I don't try to vulch, and I won't follow wounded planes down pumping lead into them trying to take a kill.

I don't expect anyone else to act honorably, but I will when frustrated, sometimes point out cheap gameplay. I'm human. And you trying to take a shot at me didn't help.

I apologize for swearing at you, but I did mean everything else I said.

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #160 on: November 18, 2008, 09:13:13 PM »
I'm ashamed at this community of AHers for the crap everyone is putting him through. He hasn't done anything to deserve this.Why are you all so afraid of this guy? He writes that it? Up until this post, he's been nothing but polite to us all.I don't blame him for thinking we're all donutheads around here...because most of us are! Give the guy a break and lets act like we got some manners for once people!
I like Lynx, he's one of my favorite people in the game. But lets be truthful here. Lynx has his days where he can be a arse, just like me and everyone else here can. I know I've acted that way more times then I care to admit. So lets lighten up on the fella. We might all learn something along the way. :salute
Lighten up Francis

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #161 on: November 18, 2008, 09:15:00 PM »
It does, doesn't it...

Larry and Eaglehrt are actually more entertaining tho...

My regards


It must be my suckage and lack of natural ability. But I dont cuss on the comms like that.

My Regards

"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Newman5

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #162 on: November 18, 2008, 09:18:25 PM »
Why am I the only one not allowed to use 200 to challenge people? Did you ever consider I typed that hoping the guy would stop to type for a few seconds so I could spawn in and nail him?

That guy probably wasn't tuned to 200.   :lol

Is this the reason HTC got rid of the "1 All" channel?
"Hello, Newman."

Offline Dragon

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #163 on: November 18, 2008, 09:18:58 PM »
I'm ashamed at this community of AHers for the crap everyone is putting him through. He hasn't done anything to deserve this.Why are you all so afraid of this guy? He writes that it? Up until this post, he's been nothing but polite to us all.I don't blame him for thinking we're all donutheads around here...because most of us are! Give the guy a break and lets act like we got some manners for once people!
I like Lynx, he's one of my favorite people in the game. But lets be truthful here. Lynx has his days where he can be a arse, just like me and everyone else here can. I know I've acted that way more times then I care to admit. So lets lighten up on the fella. We might all learn something along the way. :salute

OMG, your soft side is showing.  Things must be better at home.  Good.  I fully agree with you, sir.  LYNX is a standup guy and Skytiger has a knack for writing.  Let it go, log in and play the game.

 :salute all.  I've had enough of this
SWchef  Lieutenant Colonel  Squadron Training Officer  125th Spartan Warriors

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Re: LYNX and the other haters
« Reply #164 on: November 18, 2008, 09:20:47 PM »
the jealous a**hole remark is what got to me. in a  :rofl way.

like when someone is terrible at singing and gets needled by someone else.. they do the whole jealousy thing when it doesn't have watermelon to do with anything.

SkyTiger, in an online community ur always gonna bump heads with people. WHen someone really starts getting to you, ignore them (if you're a thumb). Else, put their car on fire and mail them death threats- this is the best way to deal with all problems imo.

also kill their cat and eat it.

Anyways, welcome to ah and I wish you much funtime in the future.. or re-welcome, whichever it is I don't really ... actually I've banned myself from using the word care... ......... doh.

also, i feel like a retard.. I don't think I found out about 200 for like.. 1 month. I've never really been a 200 person anyways but still... I was using 1 chan and wondered why nobody every talked to me.