gaming the game is right up there with running the fastest mile in the special Olympics, yeah you won, so now your the fastest retard.
who cares what you did as an individual?! its your account(s) your paying for it/them so do what you want. anybody that doesn't like what you do with something your paying for should either start paying your bills for you so they can then have a say in what you do with it, or they should mind their own business and enjoy their own game.
but really the only reason i decided i would voice an opinion is this.
you allowed people to vouch for you and your character and it was all based on a lie. this is about the most disgraceful and disrespectful thing you could possibly do to people you called "friend".
had they have chosen to lie on your behalf because they knew the truth and were a willing participant in the cover up then the ridicule of being caught would belong to them, and their shame would be upon their own shoulders.
but based upon your own addmission, and only if your telling the truth now, you mislead them. you allowed them to share in your disgrace as unwilling and unwanting conspirators in your lie. no one may jump right out and say it to them face up, but many people will question their integrity and their judgment in the future. people will always wonder about them now. no matter how many times you swear that they didn't know. is the world suppose to take your obviously tainted and worthless word for it? or instead should the world believe their sworn denials and protests of innocence, the same sworn denials and protests of innocence they once made on your behalf?
personally and based solely upon the little i know of the few, i choose to believe in their innocence to your scam. i hope others will see you for the kind of person i do and give them the benefit of the doubt without question or judgment. time alone will tell.
in the future how quickly do you think they will rise up to voice their defence of another? one who may truly be innocent of an accusation made against them, one who needs the help of others to clear their name? do you think those that defended you will be so willing to help the next person? do you think the repercussions of your actions will end with you?
you have called the reputation and integrity of others into question, for that and for that alone do i judge you LOSER.
you are a disgrace to any who would call you friend.
this is just a game, shut off the computer and the game goes away. your integrity is something that is with you always and in everything you will ever do. i hope you find only friends equal to you in their integrity.