I like the idea of limiting speed when in formation mode, just because it makes sense.
I posted a long time ago, that barrel rolls and loops in heavy bombers should have a negative effect on the gunners, knocking them out, or throwing them way out of position, or killing them.
I have no problem with a bomber pilot using rudder to keep the tail towards the fighter, or using other defensive tactics.
When he pulls the trigger to fire all, the lazer guns look kinda cheesy.
If they could be randomized where the guns you aren't in shoot in some sort of short staggered delay pattern, and they hit the target within a box and not in the same spot, it wouldn't be so bad.
I mean it's like 12 guys from 3 different bombers going.. 1.. 2... 3... fire, and they share the same brain and can all hit the exact same target at the exact same time, every time.