I hate people who judge other people by there looks or size, or who smoke cigarettes!!!!! those are the people I really hate those friggin smokers, who do they think they are smoking a dangerous substance, don't they know it will kill them, well seeings how they don't, I will take it upon myself to make sure they know and if that does not stop them I will push to have laws made that will make it basically a crime to smoke them anywhere outside there own house.
what about all those Tattooed people i hate them also, who do they think they are being an individual wanting to stand out in a world of "Jones's"
and what about those people who think they should not where a helmet or a seatbelt, dammit I will make sure every one of them where one "for there on safety".
Damn it all, I must control all these Fat, smoking, drug using, speeding, thrill seeking, Tattooed, self thinking, alcoholics...
who cant control themselves.