Author Topic: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(  (Read 11441 times)

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MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« on: December 04, 2008, 09:24:00 PM »
What a joke, when the MWA reaches a point that its tardlets in bunches its time to evaluate where the game is going. My 90 day clock is on, fas as I can see we're reaching the point that its devolved to a total waste of time.

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2008, 09:45:20 PM »
AvA snaphook. I went in there tonight and it was like a breath of fresh air. :salute
Lighten up Francis

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2008, 09:46:56 PM »
Just look for some of the less "tardlet" pilots is all. :D
If ya find my SBD, or squaddies A6M, we will show ya some of us still have a fight in us.  There are a few good pilots still in MW, just got to look a little bit is all.  Course even if we wanted to run, hard to do so in our planes. :)
No get back out there, and get away from the "tardlets".

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2008, 12:31:31 AM »
AvA snaphook. I went in there tonight and it was like a breath of fresh air. :salute
Is it mostly Japanese crates V US Navy? or do they have some 109 action? Starting to get fed up with the ho-split s- dive to ack- rinse and repeat action by 16's, ponies etc in the MA
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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 12:32:44 AM »
What a joke, when the MWA reaches a point that its tardlets in bunches its time to evaluate where the game is going. My 90 day clock is on, fas as I can see we're reaching the point that its devolved to a total waste of time.

Yup... though I'm finding the boards are barely holding my interest now either.

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2008, 12:38:38 AM »
probably shouldn't be posting this because I'm breaking my "don't post when angry" policy for the second time this week but the state the game seems to have been reduced to a new all time low.  MW used to be a bit of a refuge from the crap I get bombarded with in the LW but now that to seems to be going down hill as well. 

Guess I'll give the 'ol AvA another go.
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2008, 12:46:18 AM »
What a joke, when the MWA reaches a point that its tardlets in bunches its time to evaluate where the game is going. My 90 day clock is on, fas as I can see we're reaching the point that its devolved to a total waste of time.

You know what....  If you really enjoy the game, in its purest form, you should continue to fly in less populated arenas.  Teach those who are like minded.  Occaisionally take your students into the MA to cleanse an area of the map.

Honestly, I'm not a very good pilot...  But I really do have a great deal of respect for folks like Snaphook.

It is possible for small numbers of folks to alter the gameplay, but it must be done in a positive/motivating way...

What if there was a Squadron who appeared randomly on various countries...  Sometimes Bish, sometimes Knit, sometimes Rook...  When they appear, they sweep the skies.  Without the insults and ego stroking...

The kind of squad that any would be fighter jock would wish to join...

Honestly, I think that the overall gameplay could be affected by the more experienced vets, if they decided to moderate the whole ego thing and strive for a more pure goal...

But, it'll never happen...  Sigh...

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Offline Guppy35

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2008, 12:54:56 AM »
I think the problem becomes that it's a minority of players who are looking for ACM and the majority are looking for the quick kill, get your attaboy's, perks or whatever.  And there is a large crew that is content to 'win the war' whatever it takes.

How the game defines visible success doesn't promote the 'knights of the air' notion of air combat.   Landing multiple kills is 'rewarded' with the kills landed message.  WTG! follows.  It seems like I remember AW said who killed who.  When you'd see  "RAGS killed 2357400" for the 35th time in 10 minutes you didn't think WTG!, you thought, oh, that's just RAGS vulching in the VoD again because he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, but he wants to be the top of the scoring list.

It meant nothing, and was looked down upon.  Think about the guys gaming the game for score now.  Would they have done it if their names had been in lights with the guy they shot down 60 times in a row or would they have stopped so not to be seen?  

I'm sure it's just my nostalgia, but the 'downhill' trend for me goes back to those Airwarrior days when they switched it from limited base capture, to anything goes.  When you knew you could only go so far on capturing bases and that the counter attack was coming no matter what to get it back, it kept the fights in a more limited location.  It also allowed for areas where you could up and meet guys halfway because there was no base to take down.  Now, if a good fight gets going, more often then not someone will deliberately grief it and kill the hangers to kill the fight.

There were certainly pickers, and vulchers then too, but they had their own spots to do their thing as well.

And yeah I know it's just nostalgia, but I miss those days when the nights in AH go bad.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Guppy35

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2008, 01:01:30 AM »
You know what....  If you really enjoy the game, in its purest form, you should continue to fly in less populated arenas.  Teach those who are like minded.  Occaisionally take your students into the MA to cleanse an area of the map.

Honestly, I'm not a very good pilot...  But I really do have a great deal of respect for folks like Snaphook.

It is possible for small numbers of folks to alter the gameplay, but it must be done in a positive/motivating way...

What if there was a Squadron who appeared randomly on various countries...  Sometimes Bish, sometimes Knit, sometimes Rook...  When they appear, they sweep the skies.  Without the insults and ego stroking...

The kind of squad that any would be fighter jock would wish to join...

Honestly, I think that the overall gameplay could be affected by the more experienced vets, if they decided to moderate the whole ego thing and strive for a more pure goal...

But, it'll never happen...  Sigh...

I would argue that there are those squadrons.  I'd like to think mine is one of them. There are others as well. There are two results of what you are asking for, at least from my perspective as I saw it last night.  First is the fight is good but once guys start dying, more and more show up, and they are less and less likely to engage unless they have numbers.  There were 4-5 of us up last night and we had some good fights going, but even some of the guys on the other side would admit it became a mob.  Then someone killed the hangers at the field we were flying from.

The other outcome was also experienced last night.  4-5 of us cleaned up even though they started with alt and E.  They quit coming up.

And I'm hard pressed to believe any of the guys I fly with could give a damn about their ego's getting stroked.   As near as I can tell, it's all about having fun and a good fight.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Delirium

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2008, 01:01:50 AM »
After I took my break I told myself I would find a little corner of AH to enjoy and keep my mouth shut.

Well, all I found was an arena increasingly loaded with sticks that have one eye on the gunsight and the other on the score card. The newest crop of vets are those that can land multiple kills over and over again without regard of how they are obtained. Gone are the vets that would happily dive into a mess of enemy planes and still <salute> those that ganged them to death.

I'm definitely not as gracious as the latter type, but I'm closer to that than a score monkey.
80th "Headhunters"
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Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2008, 01:03:36 AM »
That would make us a lil bit more like WarBirds though Guppy. I would like to implement what they had in AW which made it nearly impossible to HO...

After I took my break I told myself I would find a little corner of AH to enjoy and keep my mouth shut.

Well, all I found was an arena increasingly loaded with sticks that have one eye on the gunsight and the other on the score card. The newest crop of vets are those that can land multiple kills over and over again without regard of how they are obtained. Gone are the vets that would happily dive into a mess of enemy planes and still <salute> those that ganged them to death.

I'm definitely not as gracious as the latter type, but I'm closer to that than a score monkey.

It's a phase, it'll go back to normal at some point.
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Offline PFactorDave

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2008, 01:12:20 AM »
I think the problem becomes that it's a minority of players who are looking for ACM and the majority are looking for the quick kill,

I think that to some degree you are right...  But, I also think that those who think that it is "easy"  to get real training are greatly deluded.  As much respect that I have for the training corps, I can only say that I have been repeatedly disppointed by them.  It isn't their fault really.  There aren't enough of them to meet even the demand that we currently have, god forbid there would be a mass rush of folks wanting to learn more advanced ACM.

There simply isn't an adequate system to provide training.  

Too few trainers who are all forced to dilute their focus to the most basic of basics.

I, in the not so distant past, sent an e-mail requesting training time to EVERY trainer in the list.  I was only contacted by two trainers...  Murdr, who most graciously spent more than an hour with me covering some basic concepts, for which I will be forever appreciative of, and another trainer (whom I won't name) who contacted me 3 weeks after I sent the e-mail and never contacted me again after I responsded to him asking for additional training.

I find myself, even now. in a situation where I crave training on a more advanced level, but really don't know where to find it.  Do I dare ask somebody here on the BBS to take me under their wing?  Honestly, there aren't very many folks on the BBS whom I even LIKE, too many ego toting  butt wads...

Well, I guess I'm just trying to say that you guys who really long for the days of the more pure fights really need to take the responsibility upon yourselves.  Quit simply blaming the squeekers or whatever.  Any downgrade of playstyle originated on YOUR watch.  Start teaching the skills more openly, there really is enough people interested in the ACM to make a difference in the long run, if you choose to help us.

/ramble off

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Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2008, 01:18:40 AM »
I think that to some degree you are right...  But, I also think that those who think that it is "easy"  to get real training are greatly deluded.  As much respect that I have for the training corps, I can only say that I have been repeatedly disppointed by them.  It isn't their fault really.  There aren't enough of them to meet even the demand that we currently have, god forbid there would be a mass rush of folks wanting to learn more advanced ACM.

There simply isn't an adequate system to provide training.  

Too few trainers who are all forced to dilute their focus to the most basic of basics.

I, in the not so distant past, sent an e-mail requesting training time to EVERY trainer in the list.  I was only contacted by two trainers...  Murdr, who most graciously spent more than an hour with me covering some basic concepts, for which I will be forever appreciative of, and another trainer (whom I won't name) who contacted me 3 weeks after I sent the e-mail and never contacted me again after I responsded to him asking for additional training.

I find myself, even now. in a situation where I crave training on a more advanced level, but really don't know where to find it.  Do I dare ask somebody here on the BBS to take me under their wing?  Honestly, there aren't very many folks on the BBS whom I even LIKE, too many ego toting  butt wads...

Well, I guess I'm just trying to say that you guys who really long for the days of the more pure fights really need to take the responsibility upon yourselves.  Quit simply blaming the squeekers or whatever.  Any downgrade of playstyle originated on YOUR watch.  Start teaching the skills more openly, there really is enough people interested in the ACM to make a difference in the long run, if you choose to help us.

/ramble off

you nailed it bud. I've actually gotten help from others. You just gotta find someone who can easily whup you, and ask him to DA to teach you some stuff. My first "trainer" was AirFool. He taught me about 70% of all that I know until now. After Rolex helped me and I learned a few things myself, I was about even with my trainer.

I learned you gotta find someone willing to work with you any time, who can help. Who is better than you.
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Offline Delirium

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2008, 01:20:01 AM »
There simply isn't an adequate system to provide training.


 Do I dare ask somebody here on the BBS to take me under their wing?  Honestly, there aren't very many folks on the BBS whom I even LIKE, too many ego toting  butt wads...

Those two comments have echoed some of my sentiments.

I do wish you would be more understanding in regards to the Trainers on AH. They are stretched thin, are all volunteers, and are really trying.
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: MWA as bad as any other arena now:(
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 01:24:17 AM »
I would argue that there are those squadrons.  I'd like to think mine is one of them.

Really?  I don't think so.  From my perspective the whole SAPP thing is more a close knit club thing that excludes more then includes.  For god's sake, just take a close look at how SAPP folks participate in the in game and BBS community.  

If you can't see the elitist over tones, I don't know what I can say...

Honestly, you are one of the most positive posters in the BBS...  I actually miss the "in character" Corky Jr stories...

I guess my question is, how does your group choose players to train?  How many have you trained in the past 6 months?  Are you really trying to propagate a community interested in the mechanics of air combat?

What about other squads?

How many squads are really interested in teaching ACM?  

Rolling Thunder (my squad) has recently started using Titanic Tuesdays as training days, covering various topics, how many over squads are doing this?

Guess I am just a bit sick of reading how crappy the game play is these days, when there are so very few people interested in really improving it....

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