Author Topic: Your new gun law idea  (Read 1961 times)

Offline CAP1

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2008, 06:32:27 PM »

Now if someone left their keys in a car, say to pay for their gas, and some felon stole the car, leading Police on a high speed chase that ending up tragically killing your brother?? Would you feel the same way towards the actual owner of the car?

Of course you wouldn't Cap. And no disrespect but the reason you would feel that ways towards the gun owner is because the media has mind screwed you into feeling that way. And not just the media but the entire Liberal charade has convinced many of us, if even only in the subconscious, that guns are evil and/or that people really aren't responsible for their own actions. It is not the fault of the gun owner that some scumbag breaks into his house, steals his property, and then uses the property to harm another.

I'm actually appalled that gun owners, any gun owners, anybody period, would think it was the owners fault. And I'm not easy to "appall" anymore. Especially when its something to do with laws or the system.

actually, yes i would feel the same. i don't have anyone at all, except for my family. that's it. no wife, no girlfriend. just some friends. my family is more important to me than anyone or anything.
 leaving your keys in your car is plain stupid. even just at the gas pumps. it's asking for trouble.

 the reason i made that statement that you quoted, though, is because a gun is intended as a weapon. the people that'll steal it intend harm in some way, shape, or form.
 if i had spare money to spend on firearms, you can bet your arse i'd have a few nice pieces. the problem i'd have is that i shoot lefty.
 you can also bet your arse, that when i wasn't home, my stuff would be in a bigarsed safe. locked away securely. hell, if for no other reason, they're somewhat expensive to have stolen.
 i've never EVER been even remotly close to anti-gun. i've had SERIOUS arguments with people when i try to get them to see that if they took our guns away today, crime would skyrocket, since the badguys would still have em. leaving a gun in the drawer, or under the sofa cusion, or under the mattress, when you're not home, is just like leaving the keys in your car. 
 you don't need em to be there when you walk through the door, especially if you carry. on the other hand though, you can end up seriously FUBARED if you walk in on the burgler, and he has one of em already.

 you as a cop, i would think would prefer to know that a gun owners guns are locked away if you're responding to a break-in. most likely the guy wasn't armed when he went in, but guns left out...he is now.

i don't say ANY of this to critisize anyone. but the fact is, that when these guns get stolen, THAT gives the anti-gun nutballs an incredibly strong argument.
i don't want to see our rights taken away. but flotsum i think nailed it a couple pages ago. the right bears responsibility. guys all like the car analogy.

so since i have my drivers lisence, i can drive however i want, whenever i want? i have the right to go 110mph everywhere i drive, because i earned my lisence, right? HELL NO I DON'T!!

 with my ownership of my car(s), i also bear the responsibility to operate my vehicles in a safe, and responsible manner. if i operate my vehicle in such an irresponsible manner, i lose my ability to drive it for a time.

 if hornets(this is not intended as a shot at ya dude) guns are out, and someone breaks into his home(which is probably a likely thing wth that bar across the street), while he's out on a date, find his guns...say in the cuppord.....loaded, and not even a trgger lock installed.....well.....that's pretty negligent in my book. now same scenario...they break in, see he has em in a safe,,,,,,they lug it out the back door, manage to get it way in hell could he have expected that under any circumstances, and would be in the clear.

 like i said, i'm not tring to preach........but if i DID own my own gun, i'd keep it locked up for a few reasons. first safety when i'm gone. second, because i probably couldn't afford to replace it. third, i don't know what paperwork i'd have to do, and wouldn't wanna deal with the bs of reporting it gone, and then the fear that someone i care about might end up on the wrong side of it.

 i friend of mine just lost her boyfriend. an ex had been stalking them for a few weeks.....last week, he shot her boyfriend, and took her.  she managed to talk hm into letting her out of the car. he bolted. the police caught him, but couldn't talk him into getting out of the car. he shot himself. his gun was legally owned.
 this did not change my opinion about guns a bit. i understand where you're commin from rich, but i don't think the media's done much to me. i don't watch either depresses me or pisses me off, so i avoid it. i don't listen to it ont he radio for the same reasons. i'm GLAD my neighbors own em, 'cause ya know where i'm goin if things were to go down the crapper really fast?

now, hopefully, none of what i've just typed offends anyone. it was not intended to.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2008, 06:50:55 PM »
I can understand people's concern about weapons and such, If someone became more familiar with them then some of these perceptions would go away. It's regretful that the bad guys get hold of them, but  nothing is going to change that I'm afraid, but I do belive that the  more you are trained on them the more you come to respect them, If you have ever been fired upon then you develop an even healthier respect for them.
Weapons will always be around, I just think that you have the right to defend yourself when needed, Nobody wants to take such drastic action, but when the chips are down you will have to do something, Not knocking the Police here, but you can't rely on a squad car showing up in time to save your life.
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Offline CAP1

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2008, 07:23:23 PM »
I can understand people's concern about weapons and such, If someone became more familiar with them then some of these perceptions would go away. It's regretful that the bad guys get hold of them, but  nothing is going to change that I'm afraid, but I do belive that the  more you are trained on them the more you come to respect them, If you have ever been fired upon then you develop an even healthier respect for them.
Weapons will always be around, I just think that you have the right to defend yourself when needed, Nobody wants to take such drastic action, but when the chips are down you will have to do something, Not knocking the Police here, but you can't rely on a squad car showing up in time to save your life.

nobody's sayin you CAN"T defend yourself.

ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #63 on: December 12, 2008, 08:44:38 PM »
no one has said that we shouldn't be able to own guns in this thread.
  read the quote :O the first part :aok That what this is based on :O Get it?
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Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #64 on: December 12, 2008, 08:47:21 PM »

nobody's sayin you CAN"T defend yourself.

"CO" of the Wobblin Gobblins...

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Your new gun law idea
« Reply #65 on: December 13, 2008, 05:37:29 AM »
you as a cop, i would think would prefer to know that a gun owners guns are locked away if you're responding to a break-in. most likely the guy wasn't armed when he went in, but guns left out...he is now.

I, as a cop, wouldn't consider the home owner responsible for some idiot breaking into his house. And I wouldn't do so if the offender became armed as well. Sorry but I dont believe in intrusive Govt. and I dont believe in making Laws until your blue in the face. For the most part I see the system stacked against the law abiding working person. For the most part I see the system as the enemy.

And I got to tell you this scenario your talking about, where the burglar uses the home owners gun against the responding coppers? Ive never seen happen once. Not once! The closest to it was a Policewoman I came on with who was sleeping off a mid when two burglars broke into her apartment. They raped her repeatedly and then found her gun and star when they were tossing the place. When they found this they beat her until they figured they killed her but she survived. The burglars then took off with her gun.

But never have I heard of the police getting shot at , by a burglar, with the home owners gun. This scenario your talking about just doesn't really happen in real life.
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