Dear confused. When we talk about the DA we are talking about the dueling arena being used as a dueling arena. The furball lake has become a joke. Loaded with beginners that fly Temps and a few vets that go there to kill some nubes and whine about getting picked. However the furball joke is not the DA.
As far as who can handle what, I go to the DA so I can be challenged in a 1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 2 or what ever the set up is. I stay away from the furball area. If I meet any of the MA aces in anything less than 3 vs 1 it ends up a boring fight with both dead after the missed HO attempts (correction, sometimes the second or third will run) so it is back to the DA hoping to find someone looking for a fight. Please don;t talk about skill. Talk about how smart you are for climbing above every one else and have a couple of bodies with you. Actually, the furball area in the DA is where you guys would do really well