I apologize for not bumping up the old thread but we have had some critical changes since then and I need to announce some new things without having all the flames that happened on the last thread.
We are changing! We are making it so that you must have KC in front of you name before acceptance we are trying to get the other squaddies to do this as well.
No longer just rook! yes we have to change countries to get more people to join and avoid the eny but we highly suggest that all squaddies are on the same country.
Forum Accounts! We are starting to Encourage that each squaddie have a forum account and post regularly on it.
Why have i been gone from Dec. 9 - January 3? I lost internet and due to complecations had to switch internet providers and have been gone. Plus I got some things over the holidays and my birthday

CO Has new email adress! since my msn account recently got shut down due some update that deleted it so.... my new email shermanvc@gmail.com
All other rules still exist if you are interested in joining please contact me.
please do not flame me, hijack this thread, and anything else that maybe considered rude and annoying.