Author Topic: Kill Shooter needs revision  (Read 268 times)

Offline BigJim

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« on: December 02, 2001, 01:53:00 PM »
With all the new players and so many on now I think that Kill Shooter needs to be changed to NO Shooter, i.e. you cannot damage friendlys in the game.

The other night flying in the main I dueled a guy for 10 minutes before getting on his six for the kill shot, just as I pull the trigger some guy dives in from no where right in front of my guns and bang I am dead because HE wants to steal my kill.

I don't think it is always someone trying to steal the kill but it does happen alot now and I think maybe it is time to change it.

Offline BenDover

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2001, 02:16:00 PM »

Offline Tac

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2001, 02:44:00 PM »
With NO shooter that guy will just sit on YOUR 6 and spray like a mother until he kills your target.

You wouldnt like to see a trail of 8 cons behind you, each from d300 to d800 firing like crazy at you. The wall of lead would only hit YOU and not them. Now wouldnt that be nice?

However, if HTC can code it, I think the killshooter should be disabled if the planes are inside d500 of each other, and enabled if they are beyond d500.

Example: Green1 is on the tail of red1. Distance is d400. Green1 is shooting away and missing. Then out of the blue comes green2, sits on the tail of green1 at a distance of d600 from red1.. and starts shooting. One of those shots hits green1. Green2 gets hit by killshooter.

However, if green2 jumps in FRONT of green1 to steal the kill and flies into the bullet path of green1, then green2 gets the damage just as if he was being shot at by an enemy. Why? It HIS fault he's flying into green1's guns when green1 is so close to your target.

Now, this would pose the only problem of people getting behind cons when both green's are inside d500.

Well, I dont know about you, but if I get inside d500 and I dont manage to kill the con before someone ELSE closes in on the con and shoots it down, i'd say I had my fair chance at getting the kill. If the other guy is dumb enough to fly in front of you he dies. If he gets behind you and still inside d500 of the con and fires away hitting you, then it would be MY fault since its taking so damn long.

From my experience, very few people have actually sat on my 6, inside d500 of my con and fired away with or without killshooter.

For this, people should LOSE 2 perks every time they shoot down a friendly plane.

Offline tofri

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2001, 04:47:00 PM »
Tac is right.
Leave the kill shooter untouched.

Shooting down a con should be a question of skill.
Especially in the crowded MA it should not depend on ammoload and gun range..


Offline hazed-

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2001, 06:09:00 PM »
perhaps a slight adjustment?

killshooter causes damage but no loss of wings or tail.Engine damage loss of a few control surfaces is adequate punishment for those that dont consider others and for those that it happens to accidently at least get the chance to rtb.

Offline Swoop

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2001, 09:44:00 PM »
Now that is a shreckin good idea Hazed.

I cant count the number of times I've been zoomed in to straff a ground target and some numtpy has flown through my bullet stream.....and I've shot my own tail off.


Offline Midnight

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2001, 10:02:00 PM »
I just want to know why kill shooter seems to dole out 10X damage of when shooting an enemy.

I hit a friendly plane with maybe 10 rounds and my whole fuggin tail came off. Wish my .50s had that much punch when shooting the enemy  :(


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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2001, 11:08:00 PM »
Yep I have also noticed killshooter is not proportinal in damage. Sometimes I just land 1 20mm hi on a guy and my whole rear fuselage falls off. Sometimes I hit guy in the wing and my fuselage also falls off.

I agree with hazed killshooter should disable you not kill you outright as long as you dont fire too much.

Offline BigJim

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2001, 03:16:00 AM »
Some good ideas here, in my case I had not squeezed the tirgger as I was flying a P51 and wanted that 300 yrd kill shot.  Just as I pulled the trigger in swooped this N1K1 and bang I was down.  Now for him to have over taken my 51 he had to be high and must have seen the situation????

Anyhow thanks for all the feed back guys.

Offline MrLars

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2001, 04:58:00 AM »
Originally posted by BigJim:

The other night flying in the main I dueled a guy for 10 minutes before getting on his six for the kill shot, just as I pull the trigger some guy dives in from no where right in front of my guns and bang I am dead because HE wants to steal my kill.

Last night I was chasing a Stang and was at 400 yds and closing when someone in a Typhoon joined in. Just watched the film and it showed that, although I was clearly in control of the fight and the end would come soon, the Tiffy decided he couldn't wait for a clear shot. The film shows him floating to the ground with no tail section at all  :D
The Stang was dead 5 seconds later by my guns.

Killshooter works just fine IMO.

Offline Nifty

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2001, 11:02:00 AM »
I think this would be appropriate for killshooter, it would address the accidental KS and the ones that just sit behind you and try to spray through you.  You get a certain number of strikes on any friendlies per sortie before the KS penalty kicks in.  The penalty is your active gun set gets "jammed" (red in the damage list).  So if you're firing with your primaries and the KS goes off, you lose your primaries.  If you're firing with all guns, you lose all guns.  That way you have a perfectly flyable plane to RTB for those that play that way, yet you're either at a firepower disadvantage (if you were only firing with one bank of guns in planes that have two banks) or you're out of the fight if all your guns are now disarmed.  Make the number of strikes large enough that one or two accidental bursts won't activate KS penalties.  That'd still punish the spray n pray people behind you, but give you a chance if you accidentally ping someone when they jump in front of you.  In any case, it doesn't knock you out of the sky for an accidental ping.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline F4UDOA

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2001, 11:29:00 AM »

I am always a fan of as close to reality the better. So I am not a fan of the killshooter at all.

I think the guy on the other end of the bullet stream should always be the guy to loose his tailfeathers. I know borrowing ideas from AW isn't very popular right now but the idea of giving somebody PNG status (persona non-grata) IE. taking away his ability to carry ammo for an hour if he kills a friendly or two would probably be a more realistic if not a great deterent for flying in front of friendly guns or trying to steal kills. Besides, it would give incentive to fly goons for resupply if you were PNG. Sounds like Military justice to me.

What do ya think??

Offline 38isPorked

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2001, 01:09:00 PM »
I like the idea F4UDOA. The problem with current killshooter is that it penalizes the VICTIM rather than the person committing the killshooting.

Aka, you shoot, some moron flies in front of you to steal the kill and you killshoot yourself.

I know this is the least grief-causing solution so far. Beats greens shooting greens.

However, I wonder if it would be better if BOTH planes went down? Im sure the enemy con would get a  good laugh at seeing his 2 persuers blow up. *G*. That way neither of the 2 people involved in a killshoot situation would be able to take advantage of it to steal a kill.

Add AW's penalty IF a player killshoots more than twice an hour. Make them fly C202's , Ju88's and C-47 for the next 2 hours as penalty. No other planes, vehicles or manned positions would be avaliable to him. Not even as a gunner.

Offline MrLars

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2001, 01:39:00 PM »
Originally posted by 38:

Add AW's penalty IF a player killshoots more than twice an hour. Make them fly C202's , Ju88's and C-47 for the next 2 hours as penalty. No other planes, vehicles or manned positions would be avaliable to him. Not even as a gunner.

Could you imagine the uproar if this was the way it was and someone fragged a countrymates 262 at spawn? The problem AW had w/ the PNG thing was that in 1 sorty you could frag a watermelon load of people befor running out of ammo. Unfortunatly, there are some people here who would no doubt do this at the end of their flying day all too often.

Offline F4UDOA

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Kill Shooter needs revision
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2001, 02:05:00 PM »
Not if a friendly kill shut your guns off or cost you the perk points for A/C lost.

In other words if you shoot your buddy in his ME 262 you loose the 200 perkies and you guns don't work.

You can take the situation and reverse it. Now with the killshooter turned on someone could fly in front of your 262 and you shoot him and loose your own points.

I will always go for the side of realism and the "killshooter" isn't in the realm of realism.