I guess it would be nice to get your definition of a Mega-Squad before the professional Hitech quoters go to town tooting their own horn and pushing their own agendas. So what do you consider a Mega-Squad Sir?
A second question and completely related: Do you also agree with Moot on his assessment of your MA's as "Slums" due to the larger populations?
The reason I ask is because there is a small (repeat small) vocal minority of players that miss the smaller environment of your earlier incarnations of Aces High. I just do not see Aces High going back to smaller populations, but they gripe nonetheless. Your answer is appreciated.
PS-Too late, I have to modify. A professional Hitech quoter has already added you to his sig line.
Guess it would be nice to get my meaning of slums before the professional moot quoters turn this settled argument into another neverending baseless gripe... I said that the MAs were heading in the direction of slums because of overcrowding (and I wasn't nearly the only one to notice). Like a big messy soup with no infrastructure, no compartmentalization. Like a big piece of soaked bread that's lost its composure. If everyone always flew in groups of close friends, say 16 player groups, IMO the arenas could grow a lot larger yet. But that's not the case, there's tons of players that fly on their own at any given time, and in brief that leads to "slums". I assume it's ok to use that word since Pyro himself referred to it that way. Like I said in the other thread, there's a sweet spot. 500 isn't it, 10 isn't it either. 50 isn't it either, nor is 40-some.. I think 32 is pretty much it, or maybe a little less, I dunno. You can only improve on something (like arena or squad sizes) so much before there's only negligible improvements left to be made. I think squad sizes have a similar dynamic to the total arena populations.. It's not so simple, but those two are major factors.
I don't argue for smaller arenas. I personaly don't really care either way.. I have my squad, the rest of the game could almost go to hell and I'd still have a ball playing it... So you see, my agenda is already satisfied. As far as I'm concerned the setup is great as it is. Maybe it could be improved but it's good enough as far as my satisfaction goes.
I do think it would be worse to have larger squad limits. Like I told Chili, nothing stops anyone from coordinating multiple groups of 32 together. The point was and remains that the glue of this game is genuine friendship. Mega squads devalue this. Like it or not