Author Topic: What is optimum connect speed?  (Read 125 times)

Offline buhdman

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What is optimum connect speed?
« on: November 03, 1999, 11:33:00 AM »

I'm still noticing quite a lot of warping, especially as I get into a fight. Night before last I was diving on a Spit who was fourth in a line starting with a friendly B-17, followed by two friendly fighters, then the emeny Spit.  As I closed into about 800 yards, the Spit suddenly warped to second in line (probably where he should have been in the first place since I was on the phone with the B-17 pilot and could hear that he was taking hits).  Anyway, I was left fifth in line with nothing to shoot at!

I remembered that with WB, if you connected at 19.2 with buffering turned down, that was considered optimal for eliminating warping. I was wondering are there any such "optimal" connect settings for AH?  I currently connect through another computer at 48800 most of the time, but I still have the old WB dialup I could use.

Thanks for any help here.

Walt (buhdman) Barrow
(formerly lt-buhd-lite)