Man, Talkin about stuff like this borders on politics..
Thats probably why its been posted for almost 12hrs,
and no replies... But believe me, there are ppl on this
BB that have same pretty strong feelings about it!!!
In Oregon, they are talking about a highway usage tax..
Because ppl have been using less fuel than they were
before the big price spike last summer.. The state is not
rakeing in the bucks like it used to.. Neither are the feds..
Me personally, I have spent the last 15yrs, trying to
insulate myself from the stupidity of society.. Here in
Washington state, its been pretty stupid for a long time..
All the crap that I'm hearing, is making my short hairs
salamanderle up... Geez, I'm having flashbacks to that old show,
"The Waltons" about life during the great depression..
Its scary man... Listening to how they bandy numbers
around in the trillions, like its NOTHING!!! All this money
that the fed is gonna spend, doesn't exist!!! So what
are they gonna do, PRINT IT!!! OMFG!!! The US dollar
has already been slowly devalued for the last 20years..
So, now they are going to almost Double the money
supply, in one fell swoop... (with programs currently
running, plus the new one, YES DOUBLE)
In a year or so, the US Dollar will have the approximate
value of freshly used toilet paper... Then things will
REALLY get bad...
Hang onto your hats folks... Cuz common sense has
bailed out, ALONG TIME AGO!!!