Author Topic: FSO: 1945, Operation August Storm - Frame 1 Scores  (Read 444 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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FSO: 1945, Operation August Storm - Frame 1 Scores
« on: February 15, 2009, 12:51:26 PM »

Thank you for your patience with this event. As we all know frame 1 was bumpy and we had an inadvertent reset. This impacted the even in quite a few ways. We definitely loss between 30 - 60 pilots do to the reset. They just never came back. Also it sort of scrambled some to the attack and defense plans for both sides and it affected various other elements.

Usually I do a detailed breakdown of the event for scoring but with all things considered I am going to skip that since there are quite a few things I can't factor or really account for that affected both sides. So I am going to do a very simple break down.

Bombing war ... Axis won this but it was not lopsided.
Ground war .... Allies won this decisively
Air war ... Axis won this.

Overall all I am declaring the frame an Axis victory.

However, I will not be assigning points or including this frame in who wins the overall event. I will be scoring frame 2 and 3 by points and will be the point combination of those two frames that will determine the victor for the event. I think this is the only really fair way to handle this since events happened that were outside of the control of either sides CiC and definitely affected both (although seems to have impacted the Allies a bit more .. more pilot loss / never coming back from the reset and difficulty and other items).

The frame did though provide me enough information for frame 2 and I will be inserting the La7 in numbers (100) and adjusting min max numbers for planes (there will be a max on N1K2s and also a min on Ki67s since for design reasons I do want them used to an extent).

Objectives will be going out today for frame 2.

Thank you for your patience with this event and first time match up of these two planesets in an FSO and teething problems in the first frame. I really do appreciate that people have provided me feedback and respectful and thoughtful critiques.

X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline 68Wooley

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Re: FSO: 1945, Operation August Storm - Frame 1 Scores
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 11:14:18 PM »
Cheers GhostDancer,

Just to feedback, we had a very positive response from many of the 68th on the frame despite the glitches. No doubt some of that was down to the way the this particular frame panned out for us, but I think i can safely say that, as always, we had fun and we're appreciative of the efforts of the CM team.

In the end, if we all had fun, who cares about score.


Offline 68Wooley

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Re: FSO: 1945, Operation August Storm - Frame 1 Scores
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 11:15:04 PM »
Cheers GhostDancer,

Just to feedback, we had a very positive response from many of the 68th on the frame despite the glitches. No doubt some of that was down to the way the this particular frame panned out for us, but I think i can safely say that, as always, we had fun and we're appreciative of the ongoing efforts of the CM team.

In the end, if we all had fun, who cares about score.
