Author Topic: Fix the Wirble  (Read 7261 times)

Offline Spikes

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2009, 09:21:26 PM »
The tail was made of wood. What do you expect? The tail of the IL2 is made of wood as well, luckily a lot of flak gunners dont know that. Hitting an IL2s tail is the easiest way to shoot it down.

And your right. Its not a "perk thread". Its just a "pork the GV that shot me down" thread. My apologies.

Porking it down to how it should be.
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2009, 09:30:41 PM »
Porking it down to how it should be.

Where do you stop tho? ? With just the wirbel? Why not every other GV or plane as well? Why not the ostie too? You can basically spray all night in one of those too. Ships guns as well. They arent even close to the actual load, traverse, and aim times. Even the mossie you can stick stir and jerk it around in ways that were impossable in real life.

Things is there is an element of gaminess in every vehicle, ship, or plane in the game. But I believe none of them are gamier then the vulch session of before, or the tank camps before the new IL2.

BTW what is your in game name? Mine is bombrich so I'll tell you mine right off.
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Offline stroker71

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2009, 09:32:44 PM »
I think the eny should go down but that's the range of 10-15.  Not uncommon to get several kills and land with 10-15 perks.  Stop vulching and WW's are easy to avoid.  
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2009, 09:47:13 PM »
Here was his post today #12 at 1403 hours about his Mossie.;u=16802;sa=showPosts
I guess my DSL company thought the best time to reset the servers was when I had 17 kills in a mossie.

So if he gives me his game name he should show 30 kills in a Mossie today right? Assuming two flights, one where he got 13 kills and another where he got 17. And then got disco'd? :rofl Right?

Oh but for those bloody wirbels.

And heres one yesterday with him whining about puffy ack.  :lol;u=16802;sa=showPosts;start=15

Just got whacked by CV puffy ack in a K4 in a 1v1 with a Seafire. Was a good fight too, please make puffy ack target BOMB ARMED PLANES!

And the day before it was his 262 killed by puffy.  :rofl
When you get shot down in a 262 flying CAP, whilst buffs are flying overhead going for the CV, and you are taking the puffy ack, you might rethink that.

Keep it coming Spikey. :lol
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Offline Motherland

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2009, 09:49:50 PM »
IIRC his in game name is mstwntd.
If so he has 63 mossie kills right now.

Offline Tec

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2009, 10:12:49 PM »
But remodel it? That just isnt going to happen. :salute


The elevation on the Sherman turret was proven to be too slow, it got fixed.  Information was brought to light proving that the 109 gondolas didn't have the correct ammo load, it was increased. 

If a solid case is made for the traverse speed being wrong on the WW I see no reason why they won't adjust it.
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Offline Spikes

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2009, 10:29:17 PM »

The elevation on the Sherman turret was proven to be too slow, it got fixed.  Information was brought to light proving that the 109 gondolas didn't have the correct ammo load, it was increased. 

If a solid case is made for the traverse speed being wrong on the WW I see no reason why they won't adjust it.
Indeed, it doesn't take a full remodel, just small fixes to make the game more accurate.
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Offline Karnak

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2009, 10:34:10 PM »
The tail was made of wood. What do you expect? The tail of the IL2 is made of wood as well, luckily a lot of flak gunners dont know that. Hitting an IL2s tail is the easiest way to shoot it down.

And your right. Its not a "perk thread". Its just a "pork the GV that shot me down" thread. My apologies.

The wood of the Mossie was better able to absorb HE hits than the aluminum aircraft were.  Sorry to pop your bubble.

That said, if a Wirbelwind gets a good hit on any fighter it is almost certainly toast.

I do see a lot of people defending their inaccurately modeled toy here and that is just stupid.  All inaccuracies should be fixed when possible.
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Offline TonyJoey

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2009, 10:42:37 PM »
I have been killed in a wirble by a K4, a nik, neither dropped ord, just a lucky hit I guess.

I've killed many wirbs with 4 50 cals, come straight down on em and fill em full of lead. :aok

Offline Bronk

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2009, 10:49:28 PM »
Heres what he said...troll.

Didya get that troll? Sure sounds to me he was shot down while in a Mossie diving 350 mph trying to rack up another vulch. So while technically its not a perk thread it is another, "perk the thing that just shot me down thread".
C'mere cutie. Gives us a kiss. Heres a tidbit even a self professed Intellectual like you should know. Nothing in this game is modeled as it was exactly. Nothing, and certainly no other GV either.

Perk it? Geld it? whats the difference? "The bloody thing shot me down so I want it stepped on"! :mad:

Yaknow Bronk more and more you remind me of these little man/girls I get who call 911 after they open their yaps in a bar, get smacked upside the head for it, and then start shrieking for the Police and their lawyers. 39 yo is a little to old to be following somebody around in a internet forum as a troll.

And you sound like the cop who doesn't like being told hes wrong. Like I said before get used to it. :bird

ps dickie boie Spikes never mentioned perk. So shove that where it will do you the most good. :aok
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 10:52:51 PM by Bronk »
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Offline Clone155

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2009, 11:29:22 PM »
I think the wirble is just fine the way it is. Ever go into a wirble nest of about 10 of em with an m8? Its a slaughter, one hit to the turret and those wirbles are useless.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 11:30:59 PM by Clone155 »

Offline trotter

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2009, 11:29:36 PM »
bombrich you come across as being very bitter. Nowhere does Spikes say he was vulching, and your disbelief that someone can have a 13 kill sortie without vulching should be pretty insulting to him, he's been flying for some time and is a pretty good pilot.

Nobody wants the wirbel's performance below what it should be, people want the wirbel's performance in game to be accurate to what we know about it historically. And, according to some, it is over-modeled now. If this can be proven, why in the world would you have any objection to making it more historically accurate?

Diatribes against "vulchers" just sound petty. You are creating a linkage where there is not necessarily one; the objectionable wirbel behavior in this instance, and in most instances I've encountered, does not take place on the fields and is not an "answer" to vulchers. It is when someone can spawn a wirbel near a low alt fight, park right below the fight and pick off honest combatants with a quad 20mm gun loadout that is over-modeled. Does that seem fair in a game that is focused on air combat?

Would be nice if the uberwind encouraged people to actually set some hard caps and get the fights off the deck...but doesn't happen. So the next logical move, if people are going to use wirbels for that purpose, is to at least model the thing correctly. Or perk it.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2009, 11:46:59 PM »
Trotter, a single wirble can clear the entire area around it before any of them can get a shot off. It's lethal from a single ping on any part of any fighter/attacker out to 2.5k (and I've had wirb tracers bracketing my plane left and right by a hair's width so far out from the offending GV that is 3-4k out), the speed at which it fires and the number of guns, the super powered rounds they fire, means they can put up 4 walls of ammo so fast that you can't avoid them, fly between the rounds (which for any other gun is a weakness) or even get near. You can't even rocket, bomb, or strafe a wirb without it killing you before you're even inside drop/fire range.

It is, to put it bluntly, bull****.

It fires too fast, for too long, moves at super retarded speeds.

It's a GV that's taken up well over 90% of all aircraft kills in the entire GV family, is used and abused repeatedly and at every fight I see in the game, and the performance specs are way way above what they were in real life.

So yeah, perking it would be the best solution but fixing the damned uber fire rate and specs would be good as well. Even with those fixed we'd still see enemy wirbs parked on friendly runways at all times like they do now.

If all else fails, they should simply remove the secondary fire button. Make it ONLY EVER fire 2 guns at a time. This simulates reloading the second pair of guns while the first pair fires, and vice versa.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2009, 11:55:19 PM »
Trotter, a single wirble can clear the entire area around it before any of them can get a shot off. It's lethal from a single ping on any part of any fighter/attacker out to 2.5k (
Impossible.... ww is 20mm and they disappear at 1.5k.
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Fix the Wirble
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2009, 11:56:19 PM »
No, they don't.

I've seen wirb tracers flying past me from WAY more than that. Hell, icon disappears at 1.5 for GVs, and they damn near tear me to shreds well before icon ever shows up.

EDIT: Case in point, I think I have film of an LTARD in a wirb firing his rounds up at an angle from miles away from a town, and LANDING HITS on the town buildings, almost from the spawn point he started at.

More than 1.5 for damn sure.

EDIT2: Your tests may not show the hit sprite after a certain range (this happens for me) but that doesn't mean the round has stopped. I've landed hits out far enough in fighter-v-fighter to not see hit sprite but to reap the rewards. The rounds are still there, you just don't see them land all the time.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 11:58:27 PM by Krusty »