First, I complately agree with correcting the Wirby. The fact that there were only 100 ever built (or so hear) and they dominate the AA game is a bit confusing in itself. There is nothing stopping them from being deployed. If HTC were to apply the same sort of logic to their gv scoring as they do to their aircraft, it would be... well... nevermind. It would still be goofed up.

The wirby currently fires as if all 3200 rounds are linked via a belt fed mechanism. I'm not sure how they would incorperate a dealy in firing unless they were able to mimic the delay in how a tank fires but yet allow for a string of 40 rounds (the wirby has 4/10 round magazines, yes?) to be fired without delay.
The other thing that gets me is that it seems as if the Wirby can take a lot more damage to its hull vs a Pzr before being destroyed. Odd.