Author Topic: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets  (Read 3896 times)

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2009, 02:55:06 PM »
Or to go outside, maybe.

O Rly?

Why don't you guys take this to PMs?If anything, what we have is a sense of boredom with the challenge in the game.  No one will even duel us as a squad. Not (SHawk's squad, forgot its name), not the pigs, not the Jokers, not anyone. Bo-ring.

moot, maybe you (as a squad, not an individual) should stop telling everyone else how much they suck, how they ruin the game, how when they attack sctoch 3 on 1 they are pathetic....even though he is happy to gloat about winning a situation that he is complaining about.  I have owned a horde with the best of them, and everytime i have made a point that it was just my turn in the blender and luckily i made it out. I did not come and say how useless the enemy was and how much i like to laugh at their efforts. Its a subtle difference, and obviously one that leaves some people thinking the polite guys are less competent than they make out.
 Take it to PM? i tried, and scotch brought it back in here.

Im not unhappy or stressed out here, no need to carry on this thread unless you keep asking me back in.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2009, 03:05:58 PM »
On the one hand you say you're ready to "own" other players (us in this case), and on the other you denounce Scotch calling out the freaky acm-less mobs for exactly what they are. Sorry but no matter how impolite Scotch's delivery, what he's saying is on target.  Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater if you're going to criticize him for his wrongs.
What Steve said in his thread was accurate as well. He gave up Scotch for dead, then came back and took out the nearest threat to Scotch, and comically enough that guy rants at Steve for being a picker. 

The hording and ganging is not defendable. I say as much on range when I see friendlies doing it.. As politely and concisely as possible, even though there's prolly no chance not to sound like it's lecturing. It's still true.  I fly by people having 1:1s and 2:1s all the time.  They look like they're having a good fight.. I don't interfere.  I'll try and hover at an obviously non-threat distance, e.g. 4K or so, and watch the fight go on with the zoom.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 03:08:57 PM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2009, 03:15:37 PM »
On the one hand you say you're ready to "own" other players (us in this case), and on the other you denounce Scotch calling out the freaky acm-less mobs for exactly what they are. Sorry but no matter how impolite Scotch's delivery, what he's saying is on target.  Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater if you're going to criticize him for his wrongs.
What Steve said in his thread was accurate as well. He gave up Scotch for dead, then came back and took out the nearest threat to Scotch, and comically enough that guy rants at Steve for being a picker.  [/b]

That is rubbish. Me saying i will own you is clearly a challenge in our community, is it not? I say this because it is a laguange that you (plural, again) understand as a squad of duelers who learn and practice ACMs.
 I did not say anyone had no skill, i merely pointed out that i think i have more, and would like a chance to find out. That is very different to calling out joe public who just flies the MA to wind down and have fun at the weekend.


The hording and ganging is not defendable. I say as much on range when I see friendlies doing it.. As politely and concisely as possible, even though there's prolly no chance not to sound like it's lecturing. It's still true.

This is utter rubbish aswell Moot, im sorry to have to be so blunt to you. Ganging and hording is the POINT of the MA today. It is not 1999 AH1 beta any more. EVERYBODY does it. If you are telling me the muppets dont fly as a squad and cover each others tails then what is the point of you even flying together in the MA?


ok thanks did i say that loud enough

And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2009, 03:22:29 PM »
That's mighty big talk bat.....sure you can back it up?   :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2009, 03:30:31 PM »
lets let this die
Army of Muppets
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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2009, 03:32:01 PM »
You want the muppets to have a meltdown? Why not look at why the community seems to be on your back right.....? It stems from the attitudes you have developed collectively in the last year or so. One muppet can brand the whole group in one misplaced ch200 rant. If you all stopped with this ACMs God Squad complex and started showing a little more respect to the average player this aggro would all be history.
But then what do I know, it's not like I've ever been right about anything else before.

Salute, im out, Ive said my piece. Hope i dont get banned again. When i first posted it was with a cheeky grin and it's still there now  :D take what i say for what you like.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2009, 03:36:44 PM »
You want the muppets to have a meltdown? Why not look at why the community seems to be on your back right.....? It stems from the attitudes you have developed collectively in the last year or so. One muppet can brand the whole group in one misplaced ch200 rant. If you all stopped with this ACMs God Squad complex and started showing a little more respect to the average player this aggro would all be history.
But then what do I know, it's not like I've ever been right about anything else before.

Salute, im out, Ive said my piece. Hope i dont get banned again. When i first posted it was with a cheeky grin and it's still there now  :D take what i say for what you like.
There are no Muppet meltdowns....we treat those that deserve it, with respect....the community is not on our back...we have no ACM God Squad complex.... damn bat, did you type anything of truth in that last statement?

You didn't answer my question sure you can beat any Muppet 10-0?  Positive?


Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline moot

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2009, 03:39:44 PM »
That is rubbish. Me saying i will own you is clearly a challenge in our community, is it not? I say this because it is a laguange that you (plural, again) understand as a squad of duelers who learn and practice ACMs.
 I did not say anyone had no skill, i merely pointed out that i think i have more, and would like a chance to find out. That is very different to calling out joe public who just flies the MA to wind down and have fun at the weekend.

This is utter rubbish aswell Moot, im sorry to have to be so blunt to you. Ganging and hording is the POINT of the MA today. It is not 1999 AH1 beta any more. EVERYBODY does it. If you are telling me the muppets dont fly as a squad and cover each others tails then what is the point of you even flying together in the MA?


ok thanks did i say that loud enough

Right.. So when I go to the racetrack and see someone doing it all wrong.. Leaving the lugnuts on his wheels not tightened, not putting his helmet on safely, totally frying his tires with excessive corrections and ham handed control at the wheel and pedals.. When someone does something totally wrong, I just sit back and say, he doesn't warrant being told better.  I wouldn't dare "be so blunt" as to say a number of things that, boiled down, all amount to "you have no skill". [/sarcasm]  Of course it's no help to say that poor bloke has no skill, but it's the truth, and it's kind of hard to imagine someone with his head on his shoulders being offended at being told so, when it's the truth, in a cartoon game.

Now.. Some guys have been saying it pretty rudely. There's no fine line between smack and blowing steam and frank ranting. Not over the net where you can say something completely benign and have someone or some people fifty trillion electrons away take it like some enormous insult and get their panties in a knot over it.. So you have to tread lightly, unless you have a knack for reading people and oration (or rather writing in AH). I'm not defending the over the top rants.  But they're accurate if you boil them down to their factual basis.

And well.. I guess we'll just agree to disagree.  Ganging and hording is utter crap, it's steaming hot rat poop.  There's no defending clobbering a con 4:1 when there's unengaged cons right there within icon range.  That's absolute nonsense.  What is the difference between that red guy and the other red guy a little further?  This path of least resistance crap is no good for the game.. Period.  Whether it's been here for 2 weeks or decades doesn't change that.

Whether I point it out in the game in a friendly manner (and I do) isn't tantamount to pretending I own the arena.  Not anymore than it's pretending I own some guy's 15$ when I walk him thru what he's doing wrong, or pretending I'm an official staffer when I tune to channel 6 and answer questions.

Last point.. The muppets flying as a squad doing this or that.. It doesn't matter what it is we do. Cura te ipsum.. We'll "fly how we want to", not "how you want us to".  If you think there's something wrong with what we do though, feel free to point out by premise and argument how that is. If it makes sense there's no reason we won't give it due credit.
We certainly don't gang, though. Not unless you consider out of context situations like when we end up killing the 5 bandits we initially engaged as a 5:5 that turns into a 4:1 at the end-game.  It's now an unsaid golden rule that everyone knows as second nature, that you don't barge into a squaddie's fight.  Unless your name is Steve and being a love muffin that way is somehow still hilarious and in good nature.

One muppet can brand the whole group in one misplaced ch200 rant. If you all stopped with this ACMs God Squad complex and started showing a little more respect to the average
And that's false. No one is responsible for what someone else says or does.  This is just flawed.  The only exception to this sort of thing is being in the DFC.  I suppose now I am supposed to be completely flawless because I wear a dfc hat.  I think that's totally unfair but I'm willing to do it.
player this aggro would all be history.
You know what.. If I'm not even saying anything rude to someone in the game... if just shooting someone down repeatedly will make him want to get better and give us a good fight (nevermind the fact that he/she'll get even more kick out of the game thanks to it), then I'm all for "Aggro".   Bring it on.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 03:48:23 PM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2009, 03:43:45 PM »
 It's now an unsaid golden rule that everyone knows as second nature, that you don't barge into a squaddie's fight.  Unless your name is Steve and being a love muffin that way is somehow still hilarious and in good nature.

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Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #69 on: March 03, 2009, 03:59:11 PM »
Ganging and hording is the POINT of the MA.

This is almost sig material.

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2009, 05:49:58 PM »

When I started this thread it was only to help Newbies by identifying a learning resourse. It was not to agree with the Muppets or sling stinkies at them. Some Newbies will not goto the TA nor will they ever hook up with a trainer. But they will expend the energy to follow around players like the Muppets if it means they might be safe, can sneek a vulch and learn something by watching. Then a few might get inspired and become good fights. Our egos are not going to help us develop new talent.

Mr. Meaty started a perfictly good EGO poo slinging thread for trashing the Muppets.,259776.0.html
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2009, 06:01:31 PM »
U  need

.....get a


I hope your day sucks,

SkyRock :aok

Might of been the part Waystin was talking about, I hope this is only acting from an actor because from a man its immature. :salute
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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2009, 06:03:12 PM »
Dont listen to M00t he is on some type of power trip just like the so called "Armchair Generals" but in his own way, just ignore him :salute
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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #73 on: March 03, 2009, 06:09:17 PM »
Dont listen to M00t he is on some type of power trip just like the so called "Armchair Generals" but in his own way, just ignore him :salute
LMAO moot a aimchair general  :lol :lol
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Re: Advice for Newbies about the Muppets
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2009, 06:15:24 PM »
Muppets all easy to kill in the DA. I admit as a horde they do quite well in the MA :aok

Last time "I" (NOVA) was in the DA we had some pretty even matches, and I believe I shot you down more than you shot me down.. Still feel like calling us all easy kills?

NOVA - Army of Muppets - Inactive

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