You have correctly interpreted the theory advanced; your desire to post in threads even remotely applicable to your favorite squadron or club is driven by the lack of any reciprocal interest.
Much like the oink, it smacks of "LOOK AT ME!"
Having recently attended a play at the "Black Friars Theatre" In Staunton, VA...and knowing Mark is a thespian (please look it up before you respond m00t
) I will reply in the Bard's tongue...
To need or NOT to need..that is the question....
I need contact with thee as d-con needs its rat....
I need contact with thee as RAID needs its mosquito...
I need contact with thee as a bug zapper needs its moth...
Thus! It is not for attentions sake that i seek thee...but for the hope that thy humble servant's attention will extinguish the flame and thus the light tho and thine seekest to illuminate our fair community with...
So do I say "looketh upon me and admire me?"
I sayeth look ye away from the knave! For his prattle will dim your wits and his cunning will distract ye from the truth!
Lord Waystin sums it best when he sayeth that we may joust over the current malady of oinking. But truly this is but a symptom of the illness...the foul stench we offer our objections too is that of a Ceaser...or Ceaseret's...as the case may be!
So while we dally with the subject of swine and their behaviors...we must ask ourselves who is truly oinking too much and who art the true swine...
Thank you...thank you....donations at the door. Next performance at 2:00 and the half hour