Author Topic: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?  (Read 5703 times)

Offline hitech

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #75 on: March 10, 2009, 10:21:26 AM »
"I grow tired of the MA.. it's no fun anymore"

At last Kewassa you make since, I am 100%  sure these people will keep showing up, it is the nature of the beast. But you seem to think it is the games fault, when it is just the way people are. There are very few people who maintain an interest in one game for ever. Catering to these people has been tried by one sim, I do not see many people playing there any longer.

The rest of your argument has become a moving target.  I will only point out one.

Obviously, people can fly any where they want within the constraints of their current chesspiece of choice - which in this case implies not the actual physical positioning on the map, but rather the situation where people are free to choose at which airfield within access they might take off.

With this logic no mater what changes you make to the game or to the rules every one can say, people can fly what they want when they want with in the confines of the rules of the game. So no mater how Kawassa would design a game this would still hold true.  The rest of your statement are exactly the same. 


« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 07:37:35 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline shreck

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #76 on: March 10, 2009, 10:24:45 AM »
Often, maybe, not consistently.  When it happens it's cause there's no fight elsewhere.  Have you been on our squad vox?  If you had, you'd hear the grinding of teeth anytime fights disappear and we end up doing that. It's utterly boring. Most of us end up logging when it happens for longer than ~30min.  A couple of us log a lot quicker than that without even saying anything :lolPure crap.
In blue: bring it on.

I've been ganged and picked by you guys more times than i can count, yet I rarely have picked or even seen you guys picked in the MA,  when you guys are bish I see you almost exclusively at the edge of fields, and many times in the horde! Don't get me wrong, you guys are very good "video game" pilots but the truth is the truth! Your attitude in the DA is very different than the MA. Maybe there's less ego to lose in the DA  :aok

I have a question for you! If you guys side change to be on the country with inferior #s, then why do you fly in the largest dar for that country ?  :huh If fighting against the horde "against all odds" and OWNING them all is what vets like yourselves are all about, wouldn't it make more sense to stay away from the friendly horde and maybe up at attacked and capped fields, as many with less ability do routinely? Or do you enjoy feeding off those who actually up "against the odds" at those very fields and situations?

No insult here, just pondering your guys' self proclaimed ethical superiority over the AH comunity as a whole   :aok
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 10:48:04 AM by shreck »

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #77 on: March 10, 2009, 10:32:25 AM »
Obviously, people can fly any where they want within the constraints of their current chesspiece of choice - which in this case implies not the actual physical positioning on the map, but rather the situation where people are free to choose at which airfield within access they might take off.

With this logic no mater what changes you make to the game or to the rules every one can say, people can fly what they want when they want with in the confines of the rules of the game. So no mater how Kawassa would design a game this would still hold true.  The rest of your statement are exactly the same. 


What about linked base capture?  Complete freedom of movement was brought up because it's what allows the 20 plane NOE missions to the undefended field, where the only way to defend against would be to sit in the tower and watch for towns to start flashing.

Some of us would love it if you gave it a try again where one arena has linked capture, and the other doesn't. :aok
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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #78 on: March 10, 2009, 10:35:01 AM »

No insult here, just pondering your guys' self proclaimed ethical superiority over the AH comunity as a whole   :aok

You are not the only one pondering Shreck...
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Offline moot

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #79 on: March 10, 2009, 10:46:33 AM »
What ethical superiority?  The only argument has always been gameplay quality.  That the whole point of the game is AIR COMBAT.  Not running from it or denying it by dissolving it in the excessive odds of hordes. Not capturing bases while avoiding enemy contact to the maximum.

Shreck, why do you get picked?  I'll admit some in the squad get a huge rise out of your ch200 "feedback" everytime you get shot down.  It's like whack a mole. I personally don't care.  Ego has nothing to do with it.  And as a matter of fact, there's more ego to be had in the DA.  There's no excuses and any dogfighting insufficiencies will show like sore thumbs.
wouldn't it make more sense to stay away from the friendly horde and maybe up at attacked and capped fields, as many with less ability do routinely?
Once again you need to do your homework.  You talk about it like you'd been keeping an accurate account, but you obviously don't. We do the above easily more than half the time.  Dano especially will fly against us and explicitely and stubbornly refuse to fly with us if we're on the side with numbers. In one case I had to argue with him that the numbers on our side didn't outweigh the fact that his side was better organized (flights of same plane in proper flights, with alt) while ours was just random mobs on the deck getting trounced by his side's organisation. 
Dano, Agent, Sads, Scotch, do almost nothing but flying into suicidal odds.  I don't know where you get your intel.

We're now off-topic.
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Offline shreck

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #80 on: March 10, 2009, 10:54:11 AM »
What ethical superiority?  The only argument has always been gameplay quality.  That the whole point of the game is AIR COMBAT.  Not running from it or denying it by dissolving it in the excessive odds of hordes. Not capturing bases while avoiding enemy contact to the maximum.

Shreck, why do you get picked?  I'll admit some in the squad get a huge rise out of your ch200 "feedback" everytime you get shot down.  It's like whack a mole.

We're now off-topic.

Hmm, well it certainly isn't everytime I get shot down :aok and more times than not my "feedback" is in response to some lame play or comment by a vet! Never directed at new folks :aok So me thinks you need to do a little homework yourself  :aok

Once again, NO insult intended, just response! If my homework is lacking, than yours is lacking just as much!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:13:24 AM by shreck »

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #81 on: March 10, 2009, 10:59:55 AM »
What ethical superiority?  The only argument has always been gameplay quality. 

But you guys are soooo very guilty of the same game play you aspouse to detest!  Please correct me if I'm wrong !

Offline moot

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #82 on: March 10, 2009, 11:03:47 AM »
Huh?  What I'm referring to is your excuses/complaining that you were shot down unfairly. Which you most often are, on purpose, by those guys, hoping to hear you on ch200, which you oblige. It has nothing to do with you or me directing it at new or old players and I never said anything about that.  

But we're sooooo not very guilty of the same gameplay we aspouse to detest. There, that's the kind of correction you need to hear I guess. Because you're certainly not reporting what's actually being done with any accuracy.  We put up a fight.  Are you arguing otherwise?    :rolleyes:
If my homework is lacking, than your's is lacking just as much!
Tautological rubbish full of grammar errors to boot.

I'm done contributing to this hijack. Reply in another thread if you want to further this argument.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:05:47 AM by moot »
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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #83 on: March 10, 2009, 11:09:11 AM »
Huh?  What I'm referring to is your excuses/complaining that you were shot down unfairly. Which you most often are, on purpose, by those guys, hoping to hear you on ch200, which you oblige. It has nothing to do with you or me directing it at new or old players and I never said anything about that.  

But we're sooooo not very guilty of the same gameplay we aspouse to detest. There, that's the kind of correction you need to hear I guess. Because you're certainly not reporting what's actually being done with any accuracy.  We put up a fight.  Are you arguing otherwise?    :rolleyes:

I'm done contributing to this hijack. Reply in another thread if you want to further this argument.

Hmm, it seems the  E G O  has taken over!  too bad, maybe we were getting somewhere! It is very clear to me that some of you guys cannot handle the "light of criticism" winking you in the face! It must be  cause you never do any kind of lame or unethical gameplay that is not directed torwards the betterment of this fine product named,  ACES HIGH    (sarcasym inserted)  :aok
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:14:30 AM by shreck »

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #84 on: March 10, 2009, 11:22:20 AM »
Huh?  What I'm referring to is your excuses/complaining that you were shot down unfairly. Which you most often are, on purpose, by those guys, hoping to hear you on ch200, which you oblige. It has nothing to do with you or me directing it at new or old players and I never said anything about that.  

Hmm, let me try to follow this here! you guys gang me just to hear my ranting on 200, and yet when and IF you are ganged it's the "LAME GAMEPLAY" of the community as a whole! Is that it ? Cause that is what it sounds like! I guess what's good for the goose "is not" good for the gander  :aok Just making sure I understand so I can follow "YOUR" rules  :aok  :rofl :rofl :rofl

As a side note, IF you are not part of the "SHRECK GANGING" than---> ty but clean kids who play with dirty kids, get dirty also by mere association  :aok
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:25:17 AM by shreck »

Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #85 on: March 10, 2009, 11:22:56 AM »
But you guys are soooo very guilty of the same game play you aspouse to detest!  Please correct me if I'm wrong !

Do you remember our last fight?  K4 v. G14?  Maybe a week ago?

Offline shreck

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #86 on: March 10, 2009, 11:26:17 AM »
Do you remember our last fight?  K4 v. G14?  Maybe a week ago?

Yes I do MAZZ! it was outstanding and as far as I know you are a quality individual  <S>

I get your point ! but a few bad apples can affect the whole basket   :aok
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:30:40 AM by shreck »

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #87 on: March 10, 2009, 11:31:59 AM »
Ego?  :lol  Will you revise your opinion of Mazz, if he says there's no ego in my last post? ..  I rest my case.
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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #88 on: March 10, 2009, 11:35:27 AM »
Is this just shreck's backhanded way of crying out that he really wants to be a muppet?  Just wants to be accepted as one of the "l337" sticks in the game?



Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: The Good Ol' Days, or Rose-colored Glasses?
« Reply #89 on: March 10, 2009, 11:35:55 AM »
Urchin, when did you stop beating your wife?

If you  wish a question answered, try putting it in the form of a real question, rather than a question loaded with whine.


I won't speak for Urchin, but my question was (a) in the form of a 'real question,' (b) not loaded with anything and (c) made a clear distinction between requesting your thoughts on the community as opposed to the game.

I think many would still appreciate your feedback because, in the event that it has gone unnoticed, people value your opinion, having created the game, and all.

As a caveat, let me know when you elect to add a public relations officer to the payroll and Ill shoot you my salary requirements.  The need appears to be elevated...