Hello I am I dredge of 1°gr.caccia the ASSO di BASTONI I wanted to propose to your attention this
Italian airplane REGGIANE RE2005 Of this airplane ne are you are made little exemplary but he
has given many victories like hunter of bombers and is an optimal hunting from combat, has
nearly caught up the velocita one of the sound to approximately 989Km hour in dive and
sopportava 12G.

I am in possession of all the data of this airplane also of the nomenclatore
handbook of factory construction ORRIGINALE, in how much I I live in the citta where it has
been constructed.

Other since I can say and that the allies to the end of the war have
considered this airplane RE2005 the beautifulst airplane of the AXIS. If the thing and of your
interest is to disposition for other information of airplane RE2005. Our group ACE of STICKS
would want to see in the AH game if it is possible? A cordial salute to all you of the staff of AH
for the beautiful game of AcesHigh I DRAGO