Author Topic: I don't understand something  (Read 878 times)

Offline Cajunn

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I don't understand something
« on: March 29, 2009, 02:10:00 AM »
I was in a fight with a Yak in my LA and I corner him and shoot his tail off, and he's doing the normal spin and I zoom by and the guy behind me makes a pass and shoots his wing off. I watch him tumble in and I get the assist, so I don't understand why the scoring is like that, I disabled him. I'm not one to complain about players shooting planes after I take them out but I do usually get the kill, so I was just wondering......
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Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2009, 02:13:24 AM »
He did a greater percentage of damage to the yak other than, for all intents and purposes, he was already dead.

And, "I didn't notice that he was spinning down backwards without a tail."



71 (Eagle) Squadron

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Offline Cajunn

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2009, 02:16:51 AM »
He did a greater percentage of damage to the yak other than, for all intents and purposes, he was already dead.

And, "I didn't notice that he was spinning down backwards without a tail."



I mean I could of shot him again but in an La I try not to use up  unnecessary ammo, and I'm not in any way saying it was wrong, I just didn't understand how it was scored.
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Offline Murdr

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 02:19:12 AM »
Whoever inflicted the most damage points is awarded the kill.  HiTech mentioned changing it so that kill stealing dweebs could not do what you described, but it has never been implemented.

You can not award the kill at the time of damage. The outcome of the flight has still not been determined. The odds are he will crash and die,but that is not always the case.

But I have lost wings at times near ground and ended up with a ditch by luck.

What would be possible is that no more lethality points are tracked once certian componets fail. The plane could still be shot and more damage done, but no kill award tracking would be done, you still must stay living until the hit plane exits flight.

Been thinking about implementing this for a while, it just hasn't moved to the top of the list yet.


Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 02:20:08 AM »
I mean I could of shot him again but in an La I try not to use up  unnecessary ammo, and I'm not in any way saying it was wrong, I just didn't understand how it was scored.

AFAIK it's based on damage percentage and hit percentage.  You know, the way fighters that strafe tanks get "kills" on tanks.  Hit the tank with 100 .50's vs 1 75mm round.

I may be wrong.  I often am.

You got ripped off at any rate.

71 (Eagle) Squadron

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Offline trotter

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2009, 02:23:21 AM »
I just didn't understand how it was scored.

The most damage points = who gets the kill.

Take off a critical piece (elevator, etc), and the game has no idea that damage was more worthwhile than if you shot off, say, a flap.

Many poor players thrive on shooting falling wrecks and thus getting those sought after kills for their rank.

Offline Murdr

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 02:25:53 AM »
I may be wrong.  I often am.

It's damage points as in points vs enemy on your scoreboard.  Whoever inflicted the most damage points gets it.  The reason for the tank issue you mentioned is because the tracks can be damaged by aircraft guns, and can soak up a lot of damage.

Offline Murdr

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 02:29:32 AM »
Take off a critical piece (elevator, etc), and the game has no idea that damage was more worthwhile than if you shot off, say, a flap.

Neither one of those are terminal though.  I've landed without elevators many times.

Offline Cajunn

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 02:32:49 AM »
Thanks for the clear-up I hope someday they implement the new scoring system. :salute
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 03:44:22 AM »
Yup.  It totally sucks.

Watching some Johnny ScoreMonger jump in on the guy you just "killed", spiraling down.

I did have the extreme pleasure of watching one such talented individual jump in and try to steal a Spit I had politely removed a wing from, as he was corkscrewing down.  The guy blasted away on the Spit, doing his best to explode him.

He must have had tunnel vision.  Never saw that 14K mountain till it twas too late. 

The guy I had shot down got the kill on my hapless countryman.  I got the kill on the Spit.  We both laughed our arses off via PM for a couple hours.  I still have the film, and watch it for a laugh every now and then.
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Offline moot

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 03:48:43 AM »
A whole wing, tail, or all v- or h-stabs should end damage tallies.  Fires too, maybe?
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Offline Larry

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2009, 07:22:47 AM »
Iv watched a squaddie fly about 20+ miles back to base missing both Vstabs in a 110. He then landed with no problem.
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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2009, 07:25:20 AM »
It all comes out in the wash. I'm sure we've all gotten kills that should of been assists. :salute
Lighten up Francis

Offline BnZs

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2009, 09:23:34 AM »
 Fires too, maybe?

Only implementable if they get rid of that ridiculous "fly for five minutes shooting at stuff on fire" some planes have. Burning plane should get like 20 seconds, as an absolute maximum, just enough for a "From Hell's heart I stab at thee" snapshot on the overshoot.
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Offline Saxman

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Re: I don't understand something
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2009, 10:13:38 AM »
You can not award the kill at the time of damage. The outcome of the flight has still not been determined. The odds are he will crash and die,but that is not always the case.

But I have lost wings at times near ground and ended up with a ditch by luck.

What would be possible is that no more lethality points are tracked once certian componets fail. The plane could still be shot and more damage done, but no kill award tracking would be done, you still must stay living until the hit plane exits flight.

Been thinking about implementing this for a while, it just hasn't moved to the top of the list yet.


That would fix the kill-stealing. But there's still the problem of times where you inflict the fatal damage, but still don't get the kill because someone else scattered more non-damaging hits on the target. Happens to me all the time against Spitfires. Short burst rips off his wing (or if I'm close enough, BOTH) or I put a single .50cal round through his cockpit when he has no other damage (no PW, no fuel leak, no smoking engine, no missing control surfaces, gear, radiator or any other component) and I still only get an assist.  :P

IMO, the "kill points" should only be applied when component failure/damage occurs, and different components should be weighted differently. Say, any sort of clearly fatal damage (PK, horizontal or vertical stabs, whole wings, rear fuselage, etc) is worth 30 "points," a PW worth 20, half a wing is 15, with the other components going down from there depending on how significantly it affects flight. And damage points will be accumulative. Blow off his whole wing, and if the wing was intact you also get points for all the components attached (guns, ailerons, flaps, gear, etc) as well. However, if that plane is already damaged by someone else when you do (say, gear and guns shot out on that side) you only get the points for the wing and whatever component is left. That way just HITTING the target doesn't count. You have to actually knock something off of him.

If the damage model ever gets more detailed than the "All or Nothing" system we have (so, put a bunch of holes in a guy's wings and he may just not be able to generate enough lift to stay in the air even though the main spar holds them on the plane) points could be used for hitting the target while still weighting component failure. But as it stands, it's frustrating to cause fatal damage with a lighter weapon, only to lose the kill because someone else landed a 30mm round even though it caused no damage whatsoever a half hour earlier and the shooter isn't even in film viewer tracking range (I've had that happen, too. Guy's about to land a sector away and gets the kill on someone he hit but failed to damage when I blow his wing off).
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.