Author Topic: Defining bad game-play  (Read 34471 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #780 on: May 06, 2009, 06:07:34 PM »
How do you construe getting up to a couple thousand yards separation as leaving the fight?

I had to go back a bit to find this post....

I can understand flying with the attitude of our cartoon life meaning something. I think we all do to some extent, but there is a fine line there. Value the life too much and your always looking for better odds before engaging in a fight, value it too little and your running around with your hair on fire to get more kills before you die to keep your k/d above boards.

I fly for the fight. If while working on 2 bad guys a third and forth show up, I have no trouble diving into the ack, or extending to drag out the fight to get the numbers better. What I do have trouble with is those that will dive out because they know your about to "remove large chunks from their planes", but turn back after you have turned your attention to his two buddies who have stayed in the fight.

This game is suppose to be about fighting, not running away from one, not hiding from one, not avoiding one by use of over whelming numbers, nor throwing your cartoon life away with arcade type flying, but just plain old fighting.

This the quote that started this turn about the "running from a fight". In it I point out the fine line of what some consider running from a fight, and resetting the fight (I know, I'll get to that one in a minute.) and then pointed out how I veiw the fights, NOT how everyone should. If you want to egress a couple thousand yards go for it, its how you want to play, me I prefer to do some of that "pilot crap". The issue I find lame is those that run from a fight only to return when you have superior numbers.

It has always been that way.  Doesn't make it cool, but there's nothing new there.

 It hasn't always been this bad, and what wrong with pointing out that running from a fight only to return when you have superior numbers is lame?

Would you mind not trying to redefine what is meant by "reseting the fight".   We do actually use that term to teach ya know.  Maybe that's the wrong thing though...Maybe HT would be happier if the 3+ month rate of subscribed accounts declined a bit, because telling them to beat their head against the wall and just keep yanking on the stick when they are almost certian to fail is the cool thing to do.

I used the term that way because Ren used it in his post....

You missed the point. A dogfight happens to have an objective. Otherwise why be there? If you are loosing the fight then you find a way to reset the fight. If that means you extend to gain an advantage from a disadvantage then that is part of a dogfight. To sit there and say, "well he got on my 6 so I'll just go level and die because both I and he deserve what's about to happen" is pure BS (spelled bolshevik). If I extend and retake the initiative and shoot him done then guess what...He died. I didn't. That is a dogfight. If you actually feel that because you happened to get an advantage on someone that you should then, and rightfully so (in your mind) be handed the kill. Then when I finally retire and can I really wanna start smokin whatever it is that you have.

Talk about a dream world..."i beat you for an instant so i deserve the kill, roll over and take it like a man" MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

In a dogfight it's not over until someone goes down in flames. Period.

ps- you gotta tell me what yer on so I can start saving for it.  :rofl

I'm sure glad it's not your football...No one would be playing here.


   * HOs lame
Wayyyy to vauge.  Head on attack is a valid tactic.  That said, it has an inherent drawback.  It places you in the enemies line of fire.  So typically it is not the best choice.  Secondly, death in the game (and rightly so) does not carry a harsh penalty, and scoring is based on killing/damaging the enemy.  So it ends up being used unrealisticly in the game.  Sometimes however, it is the best choice (and usually the only one left).  Might as well throw in an HT quote...

I agree, but while you and I and many others "know" its not the best choice, it is fast becoming the first choice.  More and more people are now using it as their first, second, and third move....if they last that long. Yes there is always going to be that gray area... out numbered 3 to 1 and while dodging a bogie you end up with a HO shot and you take it. But if the HO on a merge is considered by all as lame wouldn't that cut back on the number of HO's and maybe get more people to look into learning a merge move or two?

    * spawn camping lame  It's part of any game.  Unlike any old game, there are mulitple options for dealing with it.

agreed, but a guy can dream can't he   :D

   * being the 6th guy in on a single bad guy lame  Wow, is it 6 now?  I remember in AW when one would be ashamed to be the thrid guy on an enemy.  I agree btw.

   * bringing a CV close enough to dry spawn lame  It's part of the game mechanics, unless HTC wants to remove it, deal with it.

Its only a part of the mechanics for a few maps, not all of them. This falls under the same lame play of having 10-20 goons drop troops at the same time.

    * hiding captured CVs lame  There's a tool for diagreement on that.  It's called pulling rank.  Last time I pulled rank, I moved the CV out of combat effectively to hide it.  Had I not done so, we were in jeprody of losing all CVs in the eastern waters of Trinity.  When a home port was secured, I set course back to the combat zone, and gave up command.

Understandable in that situation, but like most of these things your being to specific. If we have our CVs and capture one from the other team is it ok to hide it? I don't think so, its there to be used, so use it.

Offline Murdr

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #781 on: May 06, 2009, 08:00:23 PM »
It hasn't always been this bad, and what wrong with pointing out that running from a fight only to return when you have superior numbers is lame?

Haven't seen any change.

If you want to egress a couple thousand yards go for it, its how you want to play, me I prefer to do some of that "pilot crap".
E management and SA (knowing when this isn't going to work) is "pilot crap" too and fundamentally no less important than pure angles.

I agree, but while you and I and many others "know"
Understandable in that situation, but like most of these things your being to specific.
I'd say to the contrary you're being to general.  Not everyone browsing the thread will know what "you and I know".  One one hand there's the thought that these new players need taught, but on the other is complaining and denegrating options that should be availible to them no matter how frequent or rare it is appropriate.  When you start removing options from acm it has a chain reaction.  Let's say HO's are impossible.  Now everyone is free to preturn the merge without concequence.  Let's say you MUST merge and immediately reverse into an enemy.  You observe the enemy burning his E and will cut inside you.  Now what?  The text book counter is you laugh at him foolishly burning his E while you assume and maintain an energy advantage.  But instead, everyone is burning energy like mad to get quick angles.  Some would say stuff like that is a "real fight".  It's a corruption of air combat.  So I have a little pause here when I see a discussion that includes both the idea that these new players need taught, and we're going to just cut out the fundamentals of air combat that we don't care for because that's not how real men fight.  I seriously do find it disturbing.

Not saying that is yours or anyone elses intention, but I chimed in because Ren was perfectly right to make the point that he did.

Offline BnZs

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #782 on: May 06, 2009, 10:01:09 PM »
I agree about dropping FHs at a base. As regards to dropping a CV, I must disagree. What else is one to do when the CV is being used to shell YOUR hangars down while pooping out LVTs, the CV planes are flying a pattern in their ack, and 5 inch gunmen are killing you, perhaps even on the runway? To say nothing of the inane behavior of the auto puffy....

This could go on forever.  The fact is that the game has changed. More players means more bad players. The quaint, small dogfights of the past are gone. All things change, it's just the way it is.

How many people respect a 1v1?  5%?
Don't HO on first merge?              5%?
Will allow a stricken plane to land?  1%?
Come into a furball under 10K?   20%?
Will switch sides to no longer be part of the horde?  2%?

The game used to be about the fight.  I'm not sure what it's about now but it's not about the fight.

Example: A CV arrives at an enemy base. The effort begins not to engage invaders but to sink the CV. Shore battery, Lanc Stukas etc. For far too many, first priority is to sink the CV.  30 or more people are having a blast just tangling on the wavetops and some group of guys bomb the CV, sink it, then announce on country channel that they've sunk the CV, thus saving base A234 from being taken; as if losing 1 out of 90 some odd bases will somehow effect the outcome of the "war".

Another classic: 2 bases in close proximity have a furball ebbing back and forth between them. 20 or more people are cutting the grass, planes fighting from 10k  down to the deck.. people having a blast. Someone flies overhead and kills the FH's then proudly proclaims what they've done. You ask them if they are going to take the base.... they tell you:  No just taking the pressure off.  You explain to them that there was no need to kill the FH's, everyone was having a good time. They call you an idiot. 

The game, as it was, is forever dead. One can get used to the new watered down version or one can move on.

"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #783 on: May 07, 2009, 08:39:56 AM »
I agree about dropping FHs at a base. As regards to dropping a CV, I must disagree. What else is one to do when the CV is being used to shell YOUR hangars down while pooping out LVTs, the CV planes are flying a pattern in their ack, and 5 inch gunmen are killing you, perhaps even on the runway? To say nothing of the inane behavior of the auto puffy....

Well see, thats the thing.

There used to be a time when people didnt park CV's on the beach or waste time in a gun emplacement.  A CV was simply a medium by which to minimize flight time to a fight.

Offline sveno

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #784 on: May 07, 2009, 11:12:34 AM »
in my opinion there is no lame tactics besides really gaming the game.

everything can be countered, see the good posts by murdr.

bothersome are whines about "bad gameplay" that are only subjective bad.

don't whine - counteract. :salute

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Offline Steve

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #785 on: May 07, 2009, 11:18:41 AM »
Well see, thats the thing.

There used to be a time when people didnt park CV's on the beach or waste time in a gun emplacement.  A CV was simply a medium by which to minimize flight time to a fight.

Yep.. before his time.
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #786 on: May 07, 2009, 02:12:33 PM »

Yep.. before his time.
yup, used to log on to see a cv fight, and would get hours of good fun furballing in before some banana decided we'd had enough fun and sink it.

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Offline Tr1gg22

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #787 on: May 07, 2009, 03:07:34 PM »
Game play has been the same way for the last three years IMO :salute
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Offline kilo2

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #788 on: May 07, 2009, 04:31:21 PM »
The game will never be what it used to be. Just like all things it changes I dont know how it was is the past dont really care to know. I have

a good time on the game how it is now and if i still play it in 10 years im sure there will be some guy wishing it was like it was in the old days.

So you either Adapt or quit but wishing it was how it used to be or wishing it was something different is a fools errand. Heres a Thought try to have a good time now because i assure you theres plenty who do. 
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Offline mechanic

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #789 on: May 07, 2009, 04:51:21 PM »
would anyone like a pint of guinness?

And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline SkyRock

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #790 on: May 07, 2009, 05:18:10 PM »
would anyone like a pint of guinness?

who needs a book of world records? 


Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline mechanic

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #791 on: May 07, 2009, 05:28:21 PM »

I wonder how many records fit in a pint glass?
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline DrDea

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #792 on: May 07, 2009, 07:15:16 PM »
 Sure has been raining alot.
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Offline Murdr

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #793 on: May 07, 2009, 08:03:23 PM »
in my opinion there is no lame tactics besides really gaming the game.

everything can be countered, see the good posts by murdr.

bothersome are whines about "bad gameplay" that are only subjective bad.

Just to be clear, I believe there is pleanty of gamey tactic and gameplay to be found.  I also believe in bringing attention to it.  I suggested that being specific about what is, and why might be useful.  And that I have the utmost respect for the guys I'm bandying words with :)

Offline doleboy

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #794 on: May 07, 2009, 08:11:44 PM »
would anyone like a pint of guinness?

Yes me! If you're paying... :O
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