Godzilla, welcome to the next level of dogfighting and get ready for your k/d ratio to skyrocket!
It is truly amazing how many people think, or maybe assume, the measure of a plane's maneuverability rests on how well it can complete a horizontal, 360 degree turn (circle).
When I hear people, like yourself, talk about flying a FW in the vertical and it's roll rate I think to myself "that guy is going to be dangerous if I ever run into him 1v1."
There are so many ways to get kills in a FW from BNZ to TNB, offensive starting position to defense stating position, tracking shots to snap shots. Which is why I feel it is the best pure dogfighter in the game right now.
At any rate, enough of my opinions. It does this old FW jock good to hear new blood learning the FW and realizing its strengths and weaknesses and how to exploit them.
I know you didn't ask, but one piece of advice, always be cognizant of your "circles" in a dogfight. In other words, realize that, given the same aircraft with the same conditions (speed, alt, load out, etc), a vertical circle (loop) will ALWAYS be a "shorter" circle than a flat (horizontal) circle. One reason is because the vertical circle actually looks like a lower case cursive E, whereas a flat circle is a true circle and hence longer. By cognizant I mean always be aware of what type of circle (loop or flat) would benefit you best at any given time during the dogfight.
Ok, two pieces of advice, always try to maintain enough E to perform at least one loop and learn to perform a double immel and at what speed it requires you to be at to do so.
<S> And good hunting!
<Get down of his soap box>