Bugger.... I was going to do this one when I got the time.
Kazan, I've spent a fair bit of time looking this bird up as I'm building a model of it (and wanted to skin it here). Seeing as you've beaten me to it...
Beware of some things you have missed:
- First, your colours are very strange. My colours in this combination are a little bit dark in-game (as posted by Hammer).... but they're close.
- The fuselage colour should be duck-egg, not RLM76 (Light blue). The underside of the wings, however,
should be RLM 76. The wings and fuselage were mis-matched.
- There should be a section of over-painting in grey between the left fuselage balkenkruez and the RVD band
- Note the yellow cowling band
- Note the colour of the rudder
- The 'wave' of your fuselage colour is not the correct shape.
See this photo:
and this profile:
I think this profile is the best out of all of the ones I've seen. The only thing I disagree with is the 'wavey' pattern of the left-upper wing camoflague. Otherwise, I think it is a very good representation and is definitely not a bad thing to work from.
Good luck, mate.