In this game, even if a bomber goes down it usually accounts for 2-3 of its attackers before done (talking US bombers here, formations enabled).
So, if a 190A is able to catch a 30K US bomber without miraculously being shot down 1.5k from the target, how long will it last?
On average 1 pass before being damaged beyond remaining, or out-and-out killed/disabled. So while some bombers may die, more LW fighters go down in droves for it. Usually it's a slaughter in favor of the allied gunners.
I know you've been around for a while, but to claim ignorance baffles me a bit. Anybody that's had to chase B17s up past 25k in ANYTHING LW-made knows they are too fast and fly too high and climb too quickly (low fuel weight). You can spend 15 minutes at WEP even in LATE war planes just to close for a single attack run.
As for another thing... some folks think a couple thousand feet is enough to attack bombers. It's not. They say "Oh, B17s at 22k, you're 24k, more than enough!!" but from the B17s gunner that's only 600 yards (instant kill zone range, first ping will kill you). To be 1k (yards from gunner) is still within lethal range at this alt (thin air, bullets fly better), so you need 3000 feet advantage to... well... still be inside gunnery range. To even MANUVER into position to attack bombers you need 4000 feet advantage or MORE, and that's bare minimum just to move around without being shot down instantly.
So flying at alts so high with guns so strong and powerful you can kill anybody under 35k? Oh, wait... LW planes can't fly that high.
You see the problem? It's no one thing, no one alt. The entire bomber system in this game is screwed up and doesn't "work" for historical use. Because of this LW planes have every disadvantage that historically was not there.