Doesnt ROF have its own forum for their customers?
Oleg also had a sugar daddy in the form of Ubisoft, the developers of RoF have no such sugar daddy. ack-ack
Be warned don't offer any opinions different than the majority of the forums users.Be that as it may NeoQb has done advertising work for several large corporations in Russia and I doubt that they did it for free.
Is there anything in their forums about adding Russian planes like the Saveljev Quadriplane? I know most of the Russian designs were not competitive after 1916 but it would be interesting to see if there was anything we didnt hear of here in the west but that the Russians do know about.
I'm downloading the demo for ROF, would anyone from the AH2 forum like to wing up with me tonight?
I used a friends account to play, wasn't very impressed with the view/online system