I don't like the view system....I am too used to AH's and anything less is just aggravating
You should be able to adjust the view system so it's exactly the same as AH.
Go to the 5th tab in the RoF Game Launcher, "Camera"
There are several view methods available in RoF; Snap, Pan etc.
1) You can set your preferred method so the game always starts in that mode here.
"Centred snap view" where the view snaps to that direction and then snaps back to the default after the key/hat switch is released is probably the most commonly used.
You can use the "F9" key to scroll through the available methods in game 2) The first three sliders here control Movement speed, setting maximum makes the change in view almost instantaneous (similar to AH).
3) The next three sliders control the amount of "inertion" (I think this means "inertia" or how quickly you can change movement direction) I have mine set to minimum.
4) "Cockpit View Smoothing" again I think is to do with TrackIR or how quickly you can change your view direction, I have mine set to minimum.
5) "Shake in Cockpit" I quite like, disable it here if you prefer.
6) If you use "Pan" views you can adjust a similar set of sliders by selecting "Pan mode" here
The above settings are global and apply to all the a/c, but just like AH you can define the view positions individually in each aircraft.
Start RoF - "Mission" - Select the aircraft you want to adjust - "Fly Now" - "Start"
Let the mission load to the map - select "A/c Hangar" - "Gauges" (top right hand of screen) - select the gunsight you want to use - "Ok" - "Start"
You should now be sitting stationary in the aircraft.
We'll now set your default forward view (for TrackIR users this also sets the default position)
Use the "Mouse Wheel" to zoom out/in, the "HOME/INSERT" keys to move your head back/forward, adjust left/right (DELETE/END) & up/down (PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN) and the mouse to centre the gunsight on the centre of the screen. When your happy with your default forward view, save this position using the "F10" key
A video of how to do this:
How to Zero Your GunsightsFor TrackIR users this is probably all you need to do, un-pause TrackIR and you should be able to look around from your new default positionFor Hat/Keypad users we now need to adjust each of the views to something your happy with (out the box the number keys are slightly different to AH, this doesn't matter as we can adjust each key to give you exactly the view you want).
Hat users I would suggest setting up the keypad for views first, then assigning the hat to correspond to the keypad latter.
Lets take the "2" key on the keypad first, I would usually have this set similar to my default forward view, so that modifying it with the "Up" view gives a 45 deg up view.
- Hold the "2" key down (important keep holding the key down all the time until we have saved this position)
- Use the mouse to rotate the head position to the direction you want (most user don't seem to realise you can do this)
- Fine tune the view using the Mouse Wheel/HOME/INSERT/DELETE/END/PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN keys
- Save this position using the "F10" key
- Now you can release the "2" key having saved it.
Repeat the process for each of the other view keys on the keypad so that they give you the same views as AH (except the "5" key, the "5" is your default forward view)
Hat users now right click the mouse to bring up the "HUD" and select the "Spanner" icon, Select the "Controls" tab - and set your Hat to the corresponding keypad keys.
For TrackIR users note: you don't have to leave these keypad keys as normal views, pressing a keypad key will override TrackIR, so you could set the "7" as a clear view of the compass, "8" key as a clear view of the fuel gauge, etc.Hope this helps.