Author Topic: baling from bombers  (Read 2145 times)

Offline Ciaphas

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2009, 08:42:10 PM »
Why can't we just award a kill, or kills, to the closest enemy, if in icon range, if a buff driver bails? I think that would solve all the issues here.

To what Purpose?
10.(Jabo)/JG 26 Nuisance Raids Scenario

Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2009, 10:59:43 PM »
To what Purpose?

Isn't the whole point of a bomber bailing as someone climbs to engage to deny said climbing pilot the possibility of a kill?

Award the kills anyway and perhaps the bomber would fight it out.

I also don't understand your original complaint that the fighter wouldn't engage any more after he has you burning.  You're already dead.  What would be the point?

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Offline Ciaphas

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2009, 12:34:18 AM »
He had one of my bombers burning not all three.  He disengaged  me on two separate sorties in the same manner.

Award the kills anyway and perhaps the bomber would fight it out.

I've received proxies from buff drivers when they have bailed. I think adding different penalties for the person who bailed. Something like ord limitations for their next sortie or remove the formation option for the next sortie. Something like that would be a huge deterrent. Also the same can be for fighter jocks. If they perform a ding dong ditch limit ord availability, fuel load out or something like that.  Cripple the next sortie after the ditch. You would have to take in to account the aircraft's damage status at the time of the ditch though.
10.(Jabo)/JG 26 Nuisance Raids Scenario

Offline Jackraid

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2009, 01:36:56 AM »
lol @ bomber bails no easy points for your score card = wahh wahh  :cry  :rofl

Your probably the same guy who says it's just easier to HO vs trying to turn fight also.

Offline grizz441

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2009, 01:59:43 AM »
Isn't the whole point of a bomber bailing as someone climbs to engage to deny said climbing pilot the possibility of a kill?

Award the kills anyway and perhaps the bomber would fight it out.

I also don't understand your original complaint that the fighter wouldn't engage any more after he has you burning.  You're already dead.  What would be the point?


Aren't the kills awarded as proxies as is?   :huh

Offline StokesAk

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2009, 02:15:17 AM »
Why wouldnt you just ping all of them before attacking them fully?

Offline Nilsen

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2009, 02:37:15 AM »
I can understand that if he was coming in blazing with his guns. That was not the case though. It was a quick in a small burst and then he became a shadow.  :aok

I do that until i get some critical damage or run out of ammo. Not the same as bailing from healty bombers at all.

Offline stran

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2009, 02:42:49 AM »
Why can't we just award a kill, or kills, to the closest enemy, if in icon range, if a buff driver bails? I think that would solve all the issues here.
100% true. because all the OP wants is the kill. this thread is like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted.

Offline LYNX

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2009, 08:33:06 AM »
100% true. because all the OP wants is the kill. this thread is like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted.

I have to disagree.

This thread and others like it miss the point altogether.  We all know the situation but a proper name to the situation has never, in any thread I've read, been tagged to the situation.

Guy comes in usually to low for level bombers.  Why?..expediency.  Can't be arsed to climb to a reasonable / adequate altitude.   Makes desperate last second maneuvers for a line.  Drops his ords then promptly bails.  Only to up at 1 click of the mouse from whence he started.......rinse and repeat for expediency.  Nothing in my opinion to do with "limited" time to play.  These guys make 2 and 3 sorties to get the job done when spending less time on one higher altitude sortie would ALSO get the job done....accurately at that.

In games notably sport we have terms like unsportsman behaviour or foul play or deliberate foul or professional foul.

Bombing and bailing is nothing less than a DELIBERATE FOUL in the way of this game.  As in most sports there are incidences which bring consequences.  Red cards, sent off, sin bins, penalty kicks, free kicks, time penalties and so on. These consequences are awarded because a player has impeded another player from performing the goal of said game/sport.

You can try and argue that the OP is whining because he was DENIED.  Yes he was denied but not through skill of play but by a DELIBERATE FOUL.   

As for penalties for this kind of foul in AH there will be nothing done about it.  Should there be I would like to see the bailer denied the use of the field he tuck off from for 20 min.

Oh! if only I had a majority share on the board of AH rule making  :rofl

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2009, 09:18:18 AM »
I have a solution which would go along way to helping, and I'm pretty sure would improve the gameplay in other areas too. I'm also pretty sure that 95% of players would instantly reject it so havent bothered to wishlist it.

when a player (and yes I do mean fighters and GVs too) is killed, bails or ditches, there is a delay until they can up again. the length of the delay is the time it would take them to get to the nearest friendly base (or spawn for GVs). speed could be based on the aircraft, or perhaps just fixed. takes away the time incentive for BnBing. I would also extend the proxy range to whatever vis range is set for that arena, removes the kill-denying incentive.

other benefits?
you fly a sector and engage 2 cons near their base, kill con #1 and have an extended fight with the other. in the 90s you have been fighting con #2, con #1 has reupped and picks you. doesnt seem right that a dead guy can come back so quickly and reenter what is effectively the same fight, even Jesus had to wait 3 days.

would also stop the endless stream of planes upping and promote more distinct fights and more winging/squad squad based action rather than airquake furballs.

now where did I leave that asbestos coat ... :uhoh
71 (Eagle) Squadron

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Offline Ciaphas

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2009, 11:09:55 AM »
Holmes, I agree with that.  :aok
10.(Jabo)/JG 26 Nuisance Raids Scenario

Offline pervert

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2009, 01:36:48 PM »
Your probably the same guy who says it's just easier to HO vs trying to turn fight also.

your so righteous!  :x and I bet your probably the same guy who doesn't live up to his deluded condescending bbs moral high ground in game  :D

       :x  perception ---------------------------->reality<---------------------------- perception  :x

Offline FireDrgn

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #42 on: July 04, 2009, 02:17:32 PM »
How about if you get captured from bailing from a formation.. you cant up for a certian amount of time..... that would put and end to it quick
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Offline Bear76

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #43 on: July 04, 2009, 02:22:03 PM »
Its times like these that you wished the bomber pilots family dog had a nasty disease.  So when there mum is rude with the dog she gets the disease and the bomber catches it shortly afterwards.

Offline Cajunn

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Re: baling from bombers
« Reply #44 on: July 04, 2009, 03:13:11 PM »
How about if you get captured from bailing from a formation.. you cant up for a certian amount of time..... that would put and end to it quick

And randomly they take you out back and shoot you, then your done for the night!  :rofl
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