Author Topic: Spit 8 Fault  (Read 1295 times)

Offline Strip

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Re: Spit 8 Fault
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2009, 11:11:42 AM »
The data does exist.....sort of.

Wouldn't you fill the tanks in the reverse order they are drained? Say the P-38 manual indicates the fuel tanks are drained in a certain order. HTC most likely uses that order to establish fuel tank loading. Until AcesHigh is fought at realistic distances I am not advocating full fuel tanks. In real life a lot of the fuel load would have burned off before combat ensued. Taking off with 75% just cuts out a lot of transit time and fuel burn.

Offline Yarbles

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Re: Spit 8 Fault
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2009, 02:27:46 AM »
Yes, I know, and my response stands.  Taking less than full fuel was so rare (I have never come across such a claim) that there is no order in which the tanks would be felled, other than not filling rear fuselage tanks due to stability issues.  HTC could not get that data as it does not exist.

My point is that if we allow lesss then full fuel tanks might as well fill in a sensible way that best utilises the planes handling characteristics as if partial fuel had been applied it would logically have been applied in that way.

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