we need a destoryer and every time i man a gun on a small cruiser i see torpedo toobs and if you dont know what a torpedo toob is its a set of toobs set on a destoyer launched by air and it can launch up to 8 toobs there about 2 sets of torpedo toobs on a are cruisers but it cant fire any lets have some torpedos on are small cruisers and destoyers like they did in world war 2 and lets have anouther thing of 8inch in the back of are heavy cruiser even better then 8inch how about a 12inch or 16inch even up to you i dont care but i see a crain on the back of are heavy cruiser and those of you thinking that crain is for loading supplies no it put a plane made to take off water in the water we need a fm2 or some anfibien plane that can take off water lets say you gotta have like 20 points to do that but still we need it so if are cv sinks we have a back up plane but lets say your score has to be like 300 or you need 80 perk points to do that something like that and lets have flags of are side on are ships thats not hard to do dont dont call me a noob this is just what i think this game needs you dig and im 12 dont teach me like im some retarted guy im still in kindergarden.
Its one sentence.... Well to unfortunately further prove my social dorkiness Ill admit this. By the time I was twelve I was able to formulate paragraphs in text based role play games. Next Ill say this, Its not your spelling that awful(But still sucks) but more your grammar. And lack of punctuation.
Next issue is you make dumb requests that would require MAJOR rethinking and rewriting of the base code of the game. Now I've myself made requests that in fact have been requested or just dumb.
Now as a real treat you short bus pilot. Ill REDO your request in a manner that is far more non-special ed manner. But your request still is a NOOOO!
"Dear High Tech Creations. It has come to my recent attention and opinion that your software product Aces high Two would in fact benefit from the addition of Destroyer class of ship. I noticed that on the Task groups Ships, many seem to have built in objects ment to mimic the appearance of torpedo tubs on the sides. Historically speaking many surface vessels in the Second world war did in fact have port and starboard mounted launches. Perhaps with the ability to surface launch torpedo's it will add a new level of naval combat adn excitement to your product.
Also on a second not I perhaps was wondering about adding possibly larger guns and larger ships. Vessels that perhaps may not carry torpedo tubes but instead carry larger surface to surface artillery munitions. With this one could hopefully become a formiddable force against other surface task groups. Making them targets for nations to attack and strike.
Continuing with my shipping request I would like to add perhaps the ability for merchant ships and supply bases. Helping to bring troops and supplies, perhaps even vheicals to shores of allied and hostile shores.
As for the forum posters I would like to give a sincere apology. My recent posts having overall been both Rude, annoying and dragging down the accumulated I.Q of the group when reading my posts. It is in no way my right to push my beliefs of my inherit spelling errors upon the group as a whole.
Sign Stealth's ADD trapped sub-consiuos mind traped beneath stupidity and eating of paint chips."
Welcome to the internet.