If you care to wait a few hours until I get home, I can look this up in the applicable book.
Surprisingly enough, it is rather tough to determine order of battle, by variant. Easily accessible information is lacking. Ill spend some more time on it tomorrow but, so far as I can tell, the last Emil's in operational, front-line service were with III/JG5, Luftflotte 5, in the Low Countries in mid-1942.
III/JG5 had a mixture of both 109E-7's and 109F's at that time. The serviceable 109's in that unit totaled 17. So, barring additional research, there appear to have been less than 17 Emil's deployed in mid-1942. I can find no accounts of the Emil's being deployed in 1943, at all. By 1943, in fact, most of the F model's had already been replaced by Gustavs; the sole remaining units flying a mixture of F's and G's, in mid-1943 were III/JG5 and IV/JG5, who appear to have been given the "upgrade snub" throughout the war.
Cliffsnotes: Bf-109E's in front-line service in 1943 = Zero.
EDIT: Widewing will be the one to confirm.