Yeah.. it was the same for me starting out. I can't remember all the names of the guys who used to own me, but I do remember they were mostly from A-Land (I was in B-Land when I started), probably DoK's crew. Then after awhile it was the DFA. I never was any good at strategy though. I remember someone put me in charge of a squad in one of those scenario's, thinking that cuz I could shoot stuff down, I must have a high tactical IQ or something. Was definately NOT the case! lol
Your painting is a legend amongst the Muskies. If I were to die tomorrow, I'm sure B-Man would be callin my wife asking for that painting.
I might of been able to shoot down some people in AW, but I could never even approach the artistic talent you have, be it with mouse, pen, plotter, or brush. I hope your still painting. Do you have a website displaying your work?