Congrats, Betty! College is a great place to be. Ive been in college 2 years now and I dont regret going! Hope the best for you!
ty all! plazus i been finishing my BA in criminal justice but after some long thinking....i will enjoy this SOOOOOOOO much better. plus i can transfer many of my credits i have already to help get through this quicker....
Congrats Betty and I could not think of someone who deserves it more . Enjoy yourself and I'd bet you'll do very well .
ty nutte!!! i hope i do as well as everyone says i will, i dont doubt that i wont, im just nervous but i will be ok. i plan to buckle down and put my head in the time for me will be over until i get a better feel for how things will go down there. i can't get distracted at all so i can stay focused and do what i need to do